
Final project for the master's degree in Computer Science course "Multimodal Interaction" at the University of Rome "La Sapienza" (A.Y. 2023-2024).

Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook


The work was carried out by:


We use Python 3.10.11 which is the last version supported by PyTorch. To create the environment using conda do

conda env create -f environment.yaml
conda activate mi_project


You can download the needed data from this Google Drive Link

Inside the data folder, there should be these elements:

  • For the audio models, put these files in the AUDIO directory:
    • audio_metadata_ravdess.csv: A file containing the (self-generated) metadata of the ravdess audio files;
    • audio_metadata_all.csv: A file containing the (self-generated) metadata of the merged datasets audio files;
    • audio_ravdess_files: A folder in which to put the ravdess audio files (downloadable from Google Drive);
    • audio_merged_datasets_files: A folder in which to put the merged datasets audio files (downloadable from Google Drive).
  • For the video models, put these files in the VIDEO directory:
    • RAVDESS_frames_files: A folder containing the extracted frames from the video files (downloadable from Google Drive);
    • RAVDESS_frames_files_black_background: A folder containing the extracted frames from the video files with black background (downloadable from Google Drive);
    • RAVDESS_metadata_original.csv: A file containing the (self-generated) metadata of the video files (downloadable from Google Drive);
    • RAVDESS_metadata_frames.csv: A file containing the (self-generated) metadata of the frames (downloadable from Google Drive);
    • RAVDESS_video_files: A folder containing the original ravdess video files (downloadable from Google Drive);

All the files required for the audio and video model are zipped in the "AUDIO" and "VIDEO" folders in Google Drive.


To run the demo, execute streamlit run demo/init.py or python -m streamlit run demo/init.py.