This is a simple microservice that returns the length of a file uploaded.
Get started:
- Clone this repo to your local machine.
- run npm install
- run npm start to start the server.
How to use the service:
Send a form POST request to /get-file-size. Be sure that your form has an enctype="multipart/form-data" in order to upload files. Also, give your file a name="" attribute for a unique id. See public/index.html for an example.
The server will handle everything on its own. Right now, the server supports only 1 file upload at a time. Read the Multer docs if you want to modify this project to support more than 1 file uploads. Also note that there are no file-size limits in this project. In other words, this project isn't suited for production without some modifications. It's meant as a practice project.
Made by Alex Cannon
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