Pinned issues
- 1
form submission for colors plugin
#1480 opened by Raf-sns - 1
- 2
tagClasses don't set when updating selected text
#1501 opened by waltsatan - 2
- 2
- 2
2.28.0 assets are not showing in cdnjs
#1471 opened by tekoyaki - 2
Full HTML Editor
#1490 opened by ostrichegret - 3
Inserting images no check..
#1500 opened by Alex-e107nl - 4
- 6
When pasting images, editing of text becomes very slow
#1440 opened by mkrecek234 - 0
- 1
How can i get text of editor (not html) and how call Focus on editor ?
#1462 opened by wwwbarnamehadotnet - 1
Html model breaks html format
#1478 opened by 0312birdzhang - 0
Image resizing is not disabled in readonly mode.
#1483 opened by S-Najim-S - 1
Trumbowyg getting slow on Safari, but not on Chrome
#1469 opened by mkrecek234 - 1
Make Cursor more visible
#1484 opened by dramseie - 3
Issue with Undo and Redo Button
#1459 opened by rockO7 - 1
Big Issue with righttoleft languages
#1461 opened by wwwbarnamehadotnet - 2
nombed not return all elements
#1481 opened by JonathanJvs - 1
Color Plugin Using Font Tags for # Selector
#1498 opened by teamayu - 4
Line-break with Ctrl-Enter not working anymore
#1479 opened by mkrecek234 - 0
Support for Tenor Gif API
#1464 opened by synth - 0
- 0
Create Plugins
#1495 opened by fabiodellpozzo - 2
Base64 images are not displayed in gmail.
#1457 opened by Gilbertdelyon - 1
O editor funciona muito bem com o highlihtjs-copy / Implement copy and paste to Trumbowyg
#1482 opened by fabiodellpozzo - 6
Latency when entering text in a table
#1496 opened by Sebki40 - 2
Unable to resize table with v2.28.0
#1451 opened by benji07 - 1
Table cells become unresizable after table content changed
#1474 opened by zymbth - 1
Infinite loop while selecting text inside table cell
#1443 opened by vmorreel - 2
Component Table only works in the first editor that makes the call, and stops working in the second
#1494 opened by leonardogtc - 1
Sandbox CSS possible?
#1467 opened by mkrecek234 - 2
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Buttons oversized in a modal
#1487 opened by Autonetic - 0
Add the ability to restrict image types
#1477 opened by ataylor32 - 3
Hard to click for focus on empty editor
#1470 opened by themikegreider - 1
copy/paste plain text into Trumbowyg editor converts line break into paragraph break
#1449 opened by websourcellc - 1
Extra p tag on editing content
#1472 opened by Stefi-T - 2
Firefox spell check fires tbwchange but content does not update until manual input
#1444 opened by Duberry - 2
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Template plugin
#1454 opened by stefanarsicdev - 2
HTML Source Formatting
#1455 opened by dnirvine - 1
Bower build is broken
#1448 opened by 0x54321 - 1
- 0
Formatting changes do not trigger tbwchange event
#1446 opened by timtribers - 3
Support for jQuery 4
#1442 opened by marcellov7 - 0
image width options
#1439 opened by shiva-kumar-sahoo - 0
Issue with removing <strong> and <del> tags
#1438 opened by danyakov - 0
The editor is deleting html tags on starting
#1435 opened by abde88alem