
This dataset contains example radar scans from both airborne and ground-based radar sources with automated QC scripts used in the Solo II radar editing software package.


This dataset contains example radar scans from both airborne and ground-based radar sources with automated QC scripts used in the Solo II radar editing software package.

The file 'sed.1160322015744.N43RF-Ta.3531._med_autotdr' is an airborne radar QC script developed for use in Solo II in Bell et al. 2013. It has been slightly modified to enact changes on the 'ZZ' field in these scans rather than the 'DBZ' field as Solo II will not allow 'DBZ' to be re-written so the file must act directly on the original backed up field copied during QC efforts. The scan 'swp.1181010123925.N42RF-TM.137.20.0_AIR_v3532' is from within convection in the inner core of Hurricane Micheal (2018) by the tail Doppler radar aboard the NOAA P-3 aircraft. The before and after with regards to the QC script of the 'ZZ' and 'VG' fields of this scan are given as images with the key 'band' in the file name. The scan 'swp.1181010122951.N42RF-TS.196.-20.0_AIR_v3394' is from within the eye of Michael. The before and after of these are also given as images with the key 'eye' in the file name. The two airborne radar scans are also available in cfradial format with similar time tags in the file names.

An example from Hurricane Matthew (2016) is available with the full NEXRAD scan found in the file 'cfrad.20161006_190650.891_to_20161006_191339.679_KAMX_SUR.nc' in cfradial format. In the past, data editing in Solo II was done in dorade or 'swp' file format which can only handle single elevation scans at a time. The 0.5 degree elevation scan has been taken from this file and is available as 'swp.1161006190650.KAMX.891.0.5_SUR_v285'. A cfradial containing just this elevation angle for Hawk Edit testing is the file titled 'cfrad.20161006_190650.891_to_20161006_190707.766_KAMX_SUR.nc'. The velocity unfolding script related to it (originally provided by Ting-Yu Cha) is 'sed.1210617185757.KAMX.505.vel_GB_Matthew'. The original 0.5 degree elevation scan displayed in Solo II is in the image fie titled 'Original_GB_Matthew_Before.png' and the result of the script is shown in 'GB_Matthew_After_Unfold_Script.png'. The result is rather messy because there was likely manual QC performed prior to it being run in the original QC done with this data. However, the result does provide a good gut check that the BB unfolding algorithm has been re-created in Hawk Edit.

Navigation correction CFAC files have been added for the two airborne radar scans on 10/10/18. The 'cfac.aft' corrections apply to 'cfrad.20181010_122951.196_to_20181010_122955.166_N42RF-TS_AIR.nc' in it and the 'cfac.fore' corrections apply to 'cfrad.20181010_123925.137_to_20181010_123929.113_N42RF-TM_AIR.nc'.