
Ada Runtime targeting WinRT (ie compatable with Windows Store)

Primary LanguageAda


This project provides a Ada Runtime that can be used with the WinRT bindings and the resulting application will be deployable on Windows Store. Note the current FSF/GNAT runtime makes use of Windows Api's that are not compatible with deployment to Windows Store.

Note : this is a work in progress (a formal announcement will be made once complete, and this message will be removed, so please check back on the status periodically, thanks)

Project Status

Project has been released and considered usable.


You will need a working gcc/gnat x64 Windows build environment. This release has NOT yet been tested against 32 bit environments. You may need to build gcc/gnat x64 from source if required. Details/scripts on how to do this can be found on the mingw64 website, alternatively install using MSYS2

Project Dependencies


Configuration Instructions

The Winrt_Runtime.gpr needs to know where to install the project files/artifacts, this is specified by the variable named Base_Installation_Dir within the gpr file. You will need to change this value to suit your environment.

For example

  • MSYS2 (gcc version 8.3) - Base_Installation_Dir := "lib\gcc\x86_64-w64-mingw32\8.3.1/";
  • MSYS2 (gcc version 9.1) - Base_Installation_Dir := "lib\gcc\x86_64-w64-mingw32\9.1.1/";
  • AdaCore CE 2018 (gcc version 7.3) - Base_Installation_Dir := "lib\gcc\x86_64-pc-mingw32\7.3.1/";
  • AdaCore CE 2019 (gcc version ?.?) - Base_Installation_Dir := "lib\gcc\x86_64-pc-mingw32?.?.?/";

Build instructions

From a Visual Studio command prompt that has your gcc/gnat x64 distribution/build environments bin directory in its path, simply run the following command. Note that the Visual Studio command prompt is needed for the Link command.

  • .\Build.cmd

Alternatively, run the folloing commands from a visual studio command prompt

  • .\gprbuild -p -P Winrt_runtime.gpr
  • link /lib /machine:x64 /nodefaultlib /out:.\lib\libother.a .\lib\*.o
  • link /lib /machine:x64 /nodefaultlib /out:.\libgnarl\libgnarl.a .\libgnarl\*.o
  • .\gprinstall -f -p -P Winrt_runtime.gpr


If you have previously built this runtime for a different target/version. Then please clean your previous env by executing the following command

  • .\gprclean -P Winnrt_runtime.gpr

