
[EMNLP'23] Code for 'Rethinking Negative Pairs in Code Search'

Primary LanguagePython

Rethinking Negative Pairs in Code Search

This repo contains code for Rethinking Negative Pairs in Code Search, accepted to EMNLP 2023. In this codebase we provide instructions for reproducing our results from the paper. We hope that this work can be useful for future research on contrastive learning of code search.



Contrastive learning pushes away negative pairs in the representation space.

Left: Existing works treat negative pairs equally.

Right: Negative pairs should be pushed away according to their similarity with the query.

A thicker arrow means that this sample is more negative than others.


conda create -n softinfonce python=3.6 -y
conda activate softinfonce
conda install pytorch-gpu=1.7.1 -y
pip install transformers==4.18.0 scikit-learn nltk==3.6.1 tensorboardX tqdm more_itertools pytrec_eval elasticsearch tree_sitter


We follow the preprocessing rule described in GraphCodeBERT. Since our codes are developed based on that repo, you could follow the instructions described in ./GraphCodeBERT/README.md.


In the paper we mention three approaches to estimate the weight term, BM25, SimCSE, and trained models. For BM25, it is a built-in function. However, for learning-based SimCSE and trained models, you need to train them first.


To train the unsupervised SimCSE, run:

python nl_simcse.py \
--output_dir ./saved_models/SimCSE \
--root_path ./data/ \
--train_batch_size 256 \
--num_train_epochs 10  \

Trained Models


To train the CodeBERT with InfoNCE loss, run:

python run_siamese_test.py \
--model_type roberta \
--do_train \
--do_eval \
--evaluate_during_training \
--eval_all_checkpoints \
--data_dir ./data/ \
--train_data_file train.jsonl \
--code_type code \
--max_seq_length 200 \
--per_gpu_train_batch_size 32 \
--per_gpu_retrieval_batch_size 100 \
--learning_rate 1e-6 \
--num_train_epochs 10 \
--gradient_accumulation_steps 1 \
--output_dir ./model/${save_dir} \
--encoder_name_or_path microsoft/codebert-base \
--lang ${lang} \


To train the GraphCodeBERT with InfoNCE loss, run:

python run.py \
--output_dir=./saved_models/${save_dir} \
--config_name=microsoft/graphcodebert-base \
--model_name_or_path=microsoft/graphcodebert-base \
--tokenizer_name=microsoft/graphcodebert-base \
--lang=${lang} \
--do_train \
--do_eval \
--train_data_file=./data/${lang}/train.jsonl \
--eval_data_file=./data/${lang}/valid.jsonl \
--test_data_file=./data/${lang}/test.jsonl \
--codebase_file=./data/${lang}/codebase.jsonl \
--num_train_epochs 30 \
--code_length 256 \
--data_flow_length 64 \
--nl_length 128 \
--train_batch_size 32 \
--eval_batch_size 64 \
--learning_rate 2e-5 \
--seed 123456 \


To train the UniXCoder with InfoNCE loss, run:

python run.py \
--output_dir ./saved_models/${save_dir} \
--model_name_or_path microsoft/unixcoder-base \
--do_train \
--do_eval \
--train_data_file ./data/${lang}/train.jsonl \
--eval_data_file ./data/${lang}/test.jsonl \
--codebase_file ./data/${lang}/codebase.jsonl \
--num_train_epochs 10 \
--code_length 256 \
--nl_length 128 \
--train_batch_size 64 \
--eval_batch_size 64 \
--learning_rate 2e-5 \
--seed 123456 \

Note that for the simplicity of reproduction, we will directly upload the parameters of the above-mentioned models directly once the paper is accepted.


To train CodeBERT, GraphCodeBERT, and UniXCoder with Soft-InfoNCE loss, simply replace --infonce by --softinfonce, and set the hyper-parameters --t, --weight_kl, --weight_unif which refers to the temperature, α, and β, respectively. Please refer to the appendix of the original paper for detailed information of hyper-parameters.

And you can choose estimation methods from --simcse, --self, --bm25 which refers to SimCSE, trained models, and BM25 estimation. Note that if you use trained models to estimate weights, you should set the file path of trained models by using --predict_checkpoint_path.

Ablation Study

You can also reproduce the ablation studies using this repo by using different commands. For other loss functions:

# BCE loss
# Weighted InfoNCE loss
# KL divergence regularization

Note that you shold remove --softinfonce from the command line.

For false negative cancellation methods:

# Activate false negative cancellation methods
# remove top-k samples during training
# remove samples that similarity is greater than the threshold

Note that you should use --infonce at the same time.


If you found this repository useful, please consider citing:

  title={Rethinking Negative Pairs in Code Search},
  author={Li, Haochen and Zhou, Xin and Tuan, Luu Anh and Miao, Chunyan},
  journal={arXiv preprint arXiv:2310.08069},


The implementation of this repo relies on resources from CoCLR, CodeBERT. The code is implemented using PyTorch, We thank the original authors for their open-sourcing.