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alex rafter

front end, scripting, tinkering...
Hi, i'm Alex. I'm currently working as a front end web developer @MBBluesky. Currently my time is split between new site builds, bespoke projects, internal dev work, supporting junior team members, and working closely with our UX/ UI and Project Management teams.


By day you'll find me working with Vue.js, Vanilla JS, Node, Webpack, SASS and modern CSS. We build from custom designs created in house so you'll also find me deeply customising Bootstrap 5. Our back end is ASP.Net, so i write template logic and server-side scripts with VB.Net.

You can check out some of my recent work :


By night i like to work on a lot of different projects. I am pretty much constantly tinkering with something.

Here are a few example side projects :

I love exploring cli tools, and scripting with Node and Bash. If you're a Front End Dev or Web Designer you might like to check out my Gist of Bash one-liners and snippets.


Feel free to get in touch with me. I'm always keen for a collab too!

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