
ifcAPI for using the ifcopenshell library and related packages

Useful commands

  • Activate python environment: source ./env/Scripts/activate
  • Deavtivate environment: deactivate
  • Install requirements: pip install -r requirements.txt or pip install -r dev-requirements.txt
  • Run on local server with uvicorn: uvicorn app.main:app --reload

If the error Permission denied comes up, try to deactivate the venv or restart VS Code. Sometimes it doesn't recognise the user permissions on the project folder.


  • Deployment through (running on a linux server)
  • ifcopenshell x64 for linux required! --> ImportError: IfcOpenShell not built for 'linux/64bit/python3.10'

Getting Started

Get started locally:

  1. Clone repository
  2. Create local environment for python packages: run python -m venv env --> creates env folder
  3. Activate python environment: source ./env/Scripts/activate
  4. Run pip install -r requirements.txt to isntall libraries inside your environment
  5. Install some packages manually (download from github and pase into env\Lib\site-packages) --> fx ifcpatch or a specific ifcopenshell version
  6. Run uvicorn app.main:app --reload to start the api on a local server
  7. Send HTTP-requests to the endpoint and use the methods from this repository (from the \endpoints folder)
  8. Extend the endpoints with more ifcopenshell functions and structure them.

If Permission denied --> Set local python path to the python.exe in the env python.exe -m pip install gunicorn python.exe -m pip install -r requirements.txt


Route Description Status
/main/get-ifc-products/ Get all ifc classes in the model Done
/prop/{global_id}/get-properties/ Get all properties from an element as JSON Done
/prop/{global_id}/add-property/ Add a property to a specific pset. Updated the property value, if the property already existst Done
/prop/{global_id}/add-properties/ Adds multiple properties to a specific element Ongoing
/prop/{global_id}/update-property/ Updates a specific property value. Needed? Already done with add-property method Ongoing

Build and Test


TODO: Explain how other users and developers can contribute to make your code better.

If you want to learn more about creating good readme files then refer the following guidelines. You can also seek inspiration from the below readme files:


  • Push to git
  • Connect to machine through LAN ssh kobl1@ (remember VPN!)
  • cd opencascade-api
  • git pull
  • docker-compose up --build -d


TODO: Currently all routes take a GET request and execute on a static file. They should take a POST request with instructions on which ICDD to apply the transformation/data extraction to.

Route Description
/transform List available transformation methods
/transform/bbox Extracts element bounding boxes
/transform/massTopPolygons Extracts polygons of top surfaces of IfcBuildingElementProxies (Eg. for location model) in 2D WKT
/transform/spacePolygons Extracts polygons of spaces in 2D WKT
/transform/tesselate Extracts tesselated mesh geometries in STL


Method-routes executes a method on an ifc file to for example find the shortest distance between two objects.

All methods follow this pattern:


[*] --> DownloadICDDIndex
DownloadICDDIndex --> ExtractionHasBeenDoneBefore
ExtractionHasBeenDoneBefore --> [*]: if true
ExtractionHasBeenDoneBefore --> DownloadIFC : if false
DownloadIFC --> RunExtraction
RunExtraction --> UpdateICDDIndex
UpdateICDDIndex --> UploadFiles
UploadFiles --> [*]

Get Nearest

Get nearest performs a one-to-many search for the nearest neighbour. For example, it could take the GlobalId for a PIR and find the nearest door from a batch of door id's.

Body example:

    "sasUrl": "{{sas}}",
    "sourceURI": "https://web-bim/resources/1111/1hOSvn6df7F8_7GcBWlRGQ",
    "targetURIs": ["https://web-bim/resources/1111/1hOSvn6df7F8_7GcBWlRH8", "https://web-bim/resources/1111/1hOSvn6df7F8_7GcBWlS8Z", "https://web-bim/resources/1111/1hOSvn6df7F8_7GcBWlS9F", "https://web-bim/resources/1111/1hOSvn6df7F8_7GcBWlSFK", "https://web-bim/resources/1111/1hOSvn6df7F8_7GcBWlSDm", "https://web-bim/resources/1111/2OBrcmyk58NupXoVOHUuXp", "https://web-bim/resources/1111/2OBrcmyk58NupXoVOHUvVV", "https://web-bim/resources/1111/2OBrcmyk58NupXoVOHUvR4", "https://web-bim/resources/1111/2OBrcmyk58NupXoVOHUvPL", "https://web-bim/resources/1111/1s1jVhK8z0pgKYcr9jt781", "https://web-bim/resources/1111/1s1jVhK8z0pgKYcr9jt7AB", "https://web-bim/resources/1111/1aj%24VJZFn2TxepZUBcKp%24i", "https://web-bim/resources/1111/2ViC9EPfn9ReiYXGj5lHUo"]


  "distanceXYZ": 2.170513764065985,
  "distanceXY": 2.170513764065985,
  "distanceX": 2.1169999999999742,
  "distanceY": 0.4789999999999992,
  "distanceZ": 0.0,
  "P1": [
  "P2": [
  "GlobalId": "1s1jVhK8z0pgKYcr9jt7AB",
  "URI": "inst:1s1jVhK8z0pgKYcr9jt7AB"


Transform-routes process an IFC file and generate some resulting geometry as RDF output.


This method generates Axis Aligned Bounding Boxes (AABB) of all instances of IfcProduct. The center point of these are furthermore calculated. AABBs are defined with a custom WKT conssting of two points (minXYZ and maxXYZ).


@prefix inst: <https://web-bim/resources/1234/> .
@prefix kg:  <> .
@prefix omg: <> .
@prefix fog: <> .

inst:0BTBFw6f90Nfh9rP1dlXr2 omg:hasGeometry inst:0BTBFw6f90Nfh9rP1dlXr2_aabb , inst:0BTBFw6f90Nfh9rP1dlXr2_cp .
inst:0BTBFw6f90Nfh9rP1dlXr2_aabb a omg:Geometry , kg:AABB ;
	fog:asSfa_v2-wkt """BBOX Z(0.417000 -17.383000 0.019000, 6.770000 -12.600000 2.600000)""" .
inst:0BTBFw6f90Nfh9rP1dlXr2_cp a omg:Geometry , kg:CenterPoint ;
	fog:asSfa_v2-wkt """POINT Z(3.593500 -14.991500 1.309500)""" .


Extracts all geometries from the IFC and saves them as binary STL-files in the payload_triples folder. These can later be used to produce bounding boxes, calculate distances etc.

@prefix inst: <https://web-bim/resources/1234/> .
@prefix kg:  <> .
@prefix omg: <> .
@prefix xsd: <> .
@prefix fog: <> .

inst:0BTBFw6f90Nfh9rP1dlXr2 omg:hasGeometry inst:0BTBFw6f90Nfh9rP1dlXr2_mesh .
inst:0BTBFw6f90Nfh9rP1dlXr2_mesh a omg:Geometry , kg:MeshGeometry ;
	fog:asStl_v1.0 "/payload_documents/0BTBFw6f90Nfh9rP1dlXr2.stl"^^xsd:anyURI .

Mass top polygons

This finds the top surface of all instances of IfcBuildingElementProxy and creates a linestring from its edges:


@prefix inst: <https://web-bim/resources/1234/> .
@prefix kg:  <> .
@prefix omg: <> .
@prefix fog: <> .

inst:3CV3Zairr8jfeD_dGkO1LO omg:hasGeometry inst:3CV3Zairr8jfeD_dGkO1LO_top .
inst:3CV3Zairr8jfeD_dGkO1LO_top a omg:Geometry , kg:TopSurface ;
	fog:asSfa_v2-wkt """LINESTRING Z(652981.618200 1177083.763000 12.230000, 652976.761800 1177071.283000 12.230000, 653006.644300 1177063.640000 12.230000, 653010.884500 1177074.536000 12.230000, 653012.515400 1177073.901000 12.230000, 653017.477100 1177086.651000 12.230000, 653007.354000 1177094.086000 12.230000, 653007.365300 1177094.115000 12.230000, 653007.165000 1177094.262000 12.230000, 653002.204100 1177081.514000 12.230000, 652981.618200 1177083.763000 12.230000)""" .

Space polygons

This finds the top surface of all instances of IfcSpace and creates a linestring from its edges:


@prefix inst: <https://web-bim/resources/1234/> .
@prefix kg:  <> .
@prefix omg: <> .
@prefix fog: <> .

inst:0BTBFw6f90Nfh9rP1dlXr2 omg:hasGeometry inst:0BTBFw6f90Nfh9rP1dlXr2_top .
inst:0BTBFw6f90Nfh9rP1dlXr2_top a omg:Geometry , kg:TopSurface ;
	fog:asSfa_v2-wkt """POLYGON Z(6.770000 -17.383000 2.600000, 6.770000 -12.600000 2.600000, 0.417000 -12.600000 2.600000, 0.417000 -17.383000 2.600000, 6.770000 -17.383000 2.600000)""" .

Todo: Currently doesn't support donut rooms. These are handled like POLYGON Z((loop_A)(loop_B)). Test with plan viewer!