Nina & Alex

This project was generated with Angular CLI version 12.2.3.

Development server

Run ng serve for a dev server. Navigate to http://localhost:4200/. The app will automatically reload if you change any of the source files.


git checkout gh-pages git merge main ng build --output-path docs --base-href /wedding_nina-alex/

Or new: ng deploy --base-href=wedding_nina-alex

Serve english version: ng serve --configuration=en Serve general version: ng serve

Generating base translation file: ng extract-i18n --output-path src/locales

  • add en.yml file (see akl)
    • in package.json, add: "translate": "ng extract-i18n --output-path src/locales && cp src/locales/messages.xlf src/locales/messages.en.xlf && xlf-translate --lang-file ./src/locales/en.yml ./src/locales/messages.en.xlf" --> "deploy": "npm run translate && ng deploy --base-href=wedding_nina-alex --localize && cp src/redirect/index.html dist/index.html" --> Not working: --localize is not an option of ng deploy


To apply latest translations in da.yml run npm run translate

  • deploy with both translations!