
Display the nobel prize results based on year and category from command line

Primary LanguagePython

Nobel Prizes

About this project

This project created a program to query and filter a collection of Nobel prize winners in different ways such as by year or by category. The data behind includes Nobel Prize history for years between 1901 to 2020.

The files included are:

  • prize.json -- main data source stored as JSON format.
  • nobel.py -- main program executed to realize the functionalities.
  • helper.py -- auxiliary program to help parse the arguments from command line.
  • country.json -- a uniformed data source for country names and their corresponding country code.

How It Was Built

To accomplish these functionalities, we have gone through two main steps:

  1. Read and parse the data.
  2. Establish the filtering mechanism.

First, we defined a function called load_nobel_prizes to read the data into the workspace. The data are stored as json format. (See as below.)

def load_nobel_prizes(filename='prize.json'):


Secondly we defined another function called main to parse the data and establish the filtering mechanism.

def main(year, category):
    data = load_nobel_prizes()

Specifically in this function, we considered three cases:

  • CASE 1: The laureates does not exist for some year/category.
  • CASE 2: The input year is not null but does not match the year key.
  • CASE 3: The input category is not null but does not match the category key.

When you run the nobel.py in the terminal,this program will print out information about Nobel prizes based on the filtering condition you'd like to set.

  • If a year is specified (not None), it only prints out information about those Nobel prizes from that specified year.
  • If a category is specified (not None), it only prints out information about those Nobel prizes from that specified category.
  • If neither the year nor category is specified, it prints out all the prizes throughout the history.


This program is executed in the terminal with command line with arguments determined by a parser in the helper.py module. You can run as follows,

Scenario 1: It will print out all the information about the prize throughout the years.

$ python3 nobel.py

Scenario 2: It will print out all the information about the prize only in a specified year.

$ python3 nobel.py --year 2020

Scenario 3: It will print out all the information about the prize only in a specified category.

$ python3 nobel.py --category Physics

Scenario 4: It will print out all the information about the prize only in a specified year and a specified category.

$ python3 nobel.py --year 1901 --category Economics

The year and category are assigned by means of command-line flag, e.g. --year 2020.


Your can refer to the prize data from here.