
Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

Superhero API

This project implements a simple RESTful API using Flask and SQLAlchemy to manage information about superheroes.


  1. Heroes: Endpoint to manage information about superheroes.
  2. Powers: Endpoint to manage different superpowers.

Setup and Installation

Clone the repository to your local machine:

 git clone https://github.com/Alex-gikungu/superheroes.git

 cd superheroes

Install the required dependencies:

npm install 

npm shell 

Initialize the database:

flask db init
flask db migrate -m "Initial migration"
flask db upgrade


  1. Run the Flask application:

    flask run

  2. Access the API:


Hero Table

  • Validation: When creating or updating a hero, the request payload must include both a "name" and a "super_name". If either of these fields is missing, the API will respond with an error message indicating the missing field(s).

Powers Table

  • Validation: When creating or updating a superpower, the request payload must include both a "name" and a "description". If either of these fields is missing, the API will respond with an error message indicating the missing field(s).

Hero_powers Table

  • Validation: When creating a hero-power association, the request payload must include "strength", "hero_id", and "power_id". If any of these fields is missing, the API will respond with an error message indicating the missing field(s).

API Endpoints


  • GET /heroes: Get a list of all superheroes.
  • POST /heroes: Create a new superhero.
  • GET /heroes/{id}: Get details of a specific superhero.
  • PUT /heroes/{id}: Update details of a specific superhero.
  • DELETE /heroes/{id}: Delete a specific superhero.


  • GET /powers: Get a list of all superpowers.
  • POST /powers: Create a new superpower.
  • GET /powers/{id}: Get details of a specific superpower.
  • PUT /powers/{id}: Update details of a specific superpower.
  • DELETE /powers/{id}: Delete a specific superpower.


This project is licensed under the MIT License.