Assignment task for Ruby developers
Given a list of fixed geographical areas in GeoJSON format, type Polygon (see attached example) The goal of the application is to determine whether an incoming geographical Location is inside at least one of the given areas
Task (Option 3)
Create an API-only Ruby on Rails application Incoming Locations are stored in DB ( postgres or any other) The application implements the following use-cases via API endpoints:
Fetch the list of the given areas in GeoJSON format Create a Location IN: Location name (Text) OUT: ID of the created Location
In the background determine the coordinates of the given Location and store in DB Fetch Location by ID IN: Location ID OUT: Location name, coordinates, inside?: true/false
Gracefully handle errors (e.g. invalid input parameters, geocoding failed etc.)
Use Sidekiq for background processing
Automation tests with RSpec
Use any of the external geocoding services (e.g. Google Geocoding API)
Do not use any geo-utilities for identifying if a Location is inside
Put source code in GitHub
Host an application in the cloud (e.g. Heroku) and provide a link