
CNSplitView is an feature enhanced derivative of NSSplitView. It has support for sticky top or bottom toolbars for each of its subviews.

Primary LanguageObjective-C

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##Overview CNSplitView is an feature enhanced derivative of NSSplitView. It has support for sticky top or bottom toolbars for each of its subviews. You can configure CNSplitView to add toolbars with buttons and/or drag handles, you can define the orientation of each button inside the toolbar or center it all.

Here are two shots of the included example application:

CNSplitView Example - Vertical SplitView

CNSplitView Example - Horizontal SplitView

##Graphics & Icons The icon used to show in the example application (green leaf) was taken from IconFinder. It is published under the CC License Attribution-Noncommercial 3.0 and was created by Bruno Maia, IconTexto.

##Installation ####Via CocoaPods Just add pod 'CNSplitView' to your podfile.

####Via Git SubModule cd into your project directory and execute git submodule add https://github.com/phranck/CNSplitView.git $DIR_WHERE_YOUR_SUBMODULES_ARE_PLACED

You have to replace the $DIR_WHERE_YOUR_SUBMODULES_ARE_PLACED with the real path where your submodules are placed.

####Manually Download the entire project from Github via git clone https://github.com/phranck/CNSplitView.git, cd into the CNSplitView directory and drag the underyling CNSplitView directory to your Xcode project.

##How to run the example To run the example application you have to complete this project by opening a terminal and cd into the directory where your CNSplitView Example.xcodeproj is. Here you will find a Podfile. Type pod install (or pod update if you have done it before) to install (or update) all dependencies. CNSplitView needs another component CNBaseView.

After the creation of CNSplitView Example.xcworkspace you're done. Now you only have to use the workspace file!

##Usage The usage of CNSplitView is quite simple. In Interfacebuilder just create a new window, grab a NSSplitView from the objects palette and drop it onto the content view of your window. Select the the size inspector and let it fill the container both horizontally and vertically. Then you select the identity inspector and set the class of this NSSplitView to CNSplitView. In Interfacebuilder you're done for that moment.

On the code side you keep going that easy way. The code of the example application looks like this:

NSMenu *contextMenu = [[NSMenu alloc] init];
[contextMenu addItemWithTitle:@"Add new Item" action:@selector(contextMenuItemSelection:) keyEquivalent:@""];
[contextMenu addItemWithTitle:@"Add new Group" action:@selector(contextMenuItemSelection:) keyEquivalent:@""];
CNSplitViewToolbarButton *button1 = [[CNSplitViewToolbarButton alloc] initWithContextMenu:contextMenu];
button1.imageTemplate = CNSplitViewToolbarButtonImageTemplateAdd;

CNSplitViewToolbarButton *button2 = [[CNSplitViewToolbarButton alloc] init];
button2.imageTemplate = CNSplitViewToolbarButtonImageTemplateRemove;

CNSplitViewToolbarButton *button3 = [[CNSplitViewToolbarButton alloc] init];
button3.imageTemplate = CNSplitViewToolbarButtonImageTemplateLockUnlocked;
button3.imagePosition = NSImageRight;
button3.title = @"Lock";

CNSplitViewToolbarButton *button4 = [[CNSplitViewToolbarButton alloc] init];
button4.imageTemplate = CNSplitViewToolbarButtonImageTemplateRefresh;
button4.title = @"Refresh";

NSTextField *textField = [[NSTextField alloc] init];
[textField setBezeled:YES];
[textField setBezeled:NSTextFieldRoundedBezel];
[textField setToolbarItemWidth:120.0];

NSPopUpButton *popupButton = [[NSPopUpButton alloc] init];
[popupButton setToolbarItemWidth:120];
[popupButton addItemsWithTitles:@[@"Chelsea Manning...", @"Edward Snowden...", @"Aaron Swartz..."]];
[[popupButton cell] setControlSize:NSSmallControlSize];

NSSlider *slider = [[NSSlider alloc] init];
[slider setToolbarItemWidth:120.0];
[[slider cell] setControlSize:NSSmallControlSize];

[toolbar addItem:button1 align:CNSplitViewToolbarItemAlignLeft];
[toolbar addItem:button2 align:CNSplitViewToolbarItemAlignLeft];
[toolbar addItem:button3 align:CNSplitViewToolbarItemAlignRight];
[toolbar addItem:button4 align:CNSplitViewToolbarItemAlignRight];
//[toolbar addItem:popupButton align:CNSplitViewToolbarItemAlignLeft];

self.splitView.delegate = self;
self.splitView.toolbarDelegate = self;
[self.splitView attachToolbar:toolbar toSubViewAtIndex:attachedSubViewIndex onEdge:CNSplitViewToolbarEdgeBottom];

##Requirements CNSplitView was written using ARC and should run on 10.7 and above. You have to add the QuartzCore Framework to your project.

##Contribution The code is provided as-is, and it is far off being complete or free of bugs. If you like this component feel free to support it. Make changes related to your needs, extend it or just use it in your own project. Feedbacks are very welcome. Just contact me at [opensource@cocoanaut.com](mailto:opensource@cocoanaut.com?Subject=[CNSplitView] Your component on Github), send me a ping on Twitter @TheCocoaNaut or App.net @phranck.

##Documentation The documentation of this project is auto generated using Appledoc by @gentlebytes.
You can find the complete reference here.

##License This software is published under the MIT License.

##Software that uses CNSplitView If you like this component and if you're using it in your own software so please let me know. I'll give you a mention and set a link to your website (or the Mac App Store, if it exists).

CNSplitView is used by this software:

  • BezierCode - BezierCode is an intuitive vector drawing that generate Objective C code.