
A pay transparency survey to help enable fair and equitable wages via employee organization

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Pay Transparency Survey

A pay transparency survey to help enable fair and equitable wages via employee organization.

Designed and written with ❤️ by Cher Scarlett August 2021

I suggest password protecting your survey to protect the integrity of the data collected. I do not suggest hosting it on your company's servers.

It can also be helpful to gather former employee data from folks who left the company within the most recent year.

  1. What is your current or most recent base annual salary? (required)
      Enter the numerical cash value in [YOUR CURRENCY] only.
      Do NOT include any RSU vests, cash bonuses, or commissions.
      If you are paid hourly, please convert to annual salary by multiplying your hourly wage by 40, and again by 52. (40 hours a week, 52 weeks a year)

  2. Do you receive a portion of your income in the form of commissions? (required)
      A commission is a fee paid based on a percentage of sales made by an employee
        a. What was the total amount of compensation you received during the last year in commissions? (required if 2 is yes, if 2 is no, skip)
          Enter the numerical cash value in [YOUR CURRENCY] only.

  3. Do you receive a portion of your income in the form of RSU vesting schedule? (required)
      RSU stands for Restricted Stock Unit. This is compensation given to an employee in the form of the company's shares. These typically take 1 or more years to vest, and upon vesting, are eligible to be sold.
        a. What was the total amount of compensation you received during the last year in vested RSUs? (required if 3 is yes, if 3 is no, skip)
          Enter the numerical cash value in [YOUR CURRENCY] only.
        b. What was the amount of your latest grant?
          Do NOT include any initial/signing RSU grants received.
          Enter the numerical cash value in [YOUR CURRENCY] only AT THE TIME OF GRANTING.
        c. What type of grant was it?
          i. Initial grant
          ii. Refresher grant

  4. Do you receive a portion of your income in the form of cash bonuses? (required)
      a. What was the total amount of compensation you received during the last year in cash bonuses? (required if 4 is yes, if 4 is no, skip)
        Do NOT include a signing bonus if one was received.
        Enter the numerical cash value in [YOUR CURRENCY] only.

  5. Did you receive a signing bonus? (required)
      a. What was the signing bonus you received when you joined the company? (required if 5 is yes, if 5 is no, skip)
        Include any relocation stipends.
        Do NOT include RSU grants.
        If you left and re-joined, provide your most recent signing bonus.
        Enter the numerical cash value in [YOUR CURRENCY] only.

  6. Did you receive a signing RSU grant? (if 3c was an initial grant, skip, if not, required)
      a. What was the signing RSU grant you received when you joined the company? (required if 6 is yes, if 6 is no, skip)
        If you left and re-joined, provide your most recent signing RSU grant.
        Enter the numerical cash value in [YOUR CURRENCY] only AT THE TIME OF GRANTING.

  7. Did you relocate?
      a. Did the company pay for your relocation? (required if 7 is yes, if 7 is no, skip)

  8. Where is your salary originated from? (required)
      Your location is imperative for normalizing compared wages in a specific area, and across the company.
        i. State\Province selection (optional)
        ii. City selection (optional, use hubs or major metro areas)
          Choose the city closest to you
      b. External to [COMPANY'S ORIGIN COUNTRY]
        i. Country selection
        i. State\Province selection (optional)
        ii. City selection (optional, use hubs or major metro areas)
          Choose the city closest to you

  9. Is your role permanently remote?
      Do not answer yes if you have an ADA accommodation or other exception that allows you to work remotely despite your role typically being required to be in office, including because of the COVID-19 pandemic.

  10. What is your role?
      (I recommend having a list of roles to select from to control the integrity of the field)

  11. What team is your role on?
      (I recommend having a list of teams, and be as broad/vague as possible. If there is a disparity between men and non-men in the company, it may be easy to identify respondents.)

  12. What responsibilities does your job include?
      (I recommend having a list of multi-selectable job roles, and an other option to add additional responsibilities. This will help create more accuracy around similar roles that may or may not share the same title on different teams within the company)

  13. Do you have one or more college degrees?
      a.What types of degrees do you have? (This should be multi-select with all available degree types, including professional certificates)
      b.How many years did you work in your field while you were seeking any of your degrees?

  14. How many years of relevant job experience do you have?
      Do not include years you worked while simultaneously seeking a degree which were captured in question 12.

  15. Is your gender identity the same as the sex you were assigned at birth?
        Self-identifying is not required, but helps identify possible pay gaps.

  16. Is your gender part of an under-represented or minoritized group?
      If you are unsure if your gender is under-represented, please see [LINK TO COMPANY OR INDUSTRY DIVERSITY DATA]. If your gender is not represented by the listed majority, your gender is considered under-represented.
      Self-identifying is not required, but helps identify possible pay gaps.
      a.What is your gender? (optional, but only show this question if 16 is true)
        Self-identifying is not required, but helps identify possible pay gaps.
        {I recommend having options of Non-Binary, Female, and Other that allows the user to type in their own gender)

  17. Is your race part of an under-represented or minoritized group?
      If you are unsure if your race is under-represented, please see [LINK TO COMPANY OR INDUSTRY DIVERSITY DATA]. If your race is not represented by the listed majority, your race is considered under-represented.
      Self-identifying is not required, but helps identify possible pay gaps.
      a. What is your race?(optional, but only show this question if 17 is true)
        Self-identifying is not required, but helps identify possible pay gaps.
        (I recommend having options of Black, Indigenous, Hispanic or Latinx, Asian, MENA, and Other that allows the user to type in their own race)

  18. Are you disabled?
      Self-identifying is not required, but helps identify possible pay gaps.
      a. Does your disability require accommodation in the workplace?
      b. Have you disclosed to the company that you are disabled?
      c. Have you requested accommodation in the workplace?
      d. Were you granted accommodation?
      e. Was that accommodation in the form of remote work?