EpyTodo Epitech project. The goal of this project is to make a todo list with Express and Node.js and SQL database.

Primary LanguageJavaScript


This project is one of the coolest projects. Create your own Todo List. 😎

The goal of the project is to create your MySQL database and a web server using Node.js. 😃

Your goal is to create the (backend) side of the project and all the tasks you need. 😁

But also you can build a proper (frontend) to your project as a bonus. 👌

We got the best grade either A 👀

Installation ⚡

git clone git@github.com:Alex420000/EPITODO.git && cd EPITODO && npm install

Run project ✔

npm start

Marks 👍

Rank Marks
Preliminaries 2 / 2
Architecture Web Server 5 / 5
Routes (does it exists) 3 / 3
Routes (Is it well done) 3 / 3
Password 1 / 1
Token 3 / 3
SQL DB 5 / 5
Total Average 22 / 22

Bonus ✨

As a bonus, I have created a postman collection that allows you to test all the requests of the project, feel free to use it if you need it.