
A tutorial showing how to train RL agents for web games, based on Video Game Dino Jurassic.

Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook


This project is one of the coolest projects. Create your own Video Game AI. 😎

The goal of the project is to create your AI and a using Pytorch, Stable-Baselines3, Pydirectinput, Pytesseract. 😃

Intallation ⚡

!pip install torch torchvision torchaudio --extra-index-url https://download.pytorch.org/whl/cu113

!pip install stable-baselines3

!pip install mss pydirectinput pytesseract

Import Dependencies 🤝

  • mss used for screen capture
    • from mss import mss
  • Sending Commands on Input Keyboard
    • import pydirectinput
  • Opencv allows us to do frame processing
    • import cv2
  • For create a matrix
    • import numpy as np
  • OCR for Game Over extraction
    • import pytesseract
  • Visualization of the data frames
    • from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
  • For allows us to create a break in time
    • import time
  • Create Environment for the Video Game
    • from gym import Env
    • from gym.spaces import Box, Discrete