
Applying 3D CNN for bio-medical images segmentation with 3D-Unet, Residual 3D-Unet and Recurrent Residual 3D-Unet (R2U3D) implemented in PyTorch.

Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook

3D-CNN Segmentation

Visualize 3D Input and Mask of Kidney MRI

Data Mask
3D data 3D mask


predicted output

Quick start

  1. Clone this repository
git clone https://github.com/joewong00/3D-CNN-Segmentation.git
  1. Initialize local configuration and fetch data from submodule project (surface distance)
git submodule update --init
  1. Install CUDA
  2. Install PyTorch
  3. Install dependencies
pip install -r requirements.txt
  1. Start with main.ipynb using Jupyter notebook or Google Colab


This model was trained from scratch with 50 3D kidney MRI and scored a Dice coefficient of 0.929516 on over 50 test MRI.


  • main.ipynb: Contains the main elements for data visualization, single data predicting and evaluation
  • train.py: Script for model training
  • test.py: Script for model testing
  • dataloader.py: Custom dataset dataloading class
  • predict.py: Script for predicting single image data and evaluation


Reference: wolny/pytorch-3dunet

3D Residual UNet

Implementation based on https://arxiv.org/pdf/1706.00120.pdf 3D Residual UNet

3D UNet

Implementation based on 3D U-Net: Learning Dense Volumetric Segmentation from Sparse Annotation 3D UNet

Recurrent Residual 3D UNet (R2U3D)

Implementation based on R2U3D: Recurrent Residual 3D U-Net for Lung Segmentation

  • Architecture R2U3D

  • Recurrent Residual Convolutional Unit (RRCU) RRCU


Note : Use Python 3.6 or newer


> python train.py -h
usage: train.py [-h] [--network NETWORK] [--batch-size N] [--epochs N]
                [--lr LR] [--gamma M] [--no-cuda] [--dry-run] [--seed S]
                [--log-interval N] [--save-model] [--checkpoint FILE]

PyTorch 3D Segmentation

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --network NETWORK, -u NETWORK
                        Specify the network (Unet3D / ResidualUnet3D)
  --batch-size N        input batch size for training (default: 1)
  --epochs N            number of epochs to train (default: 10)
  --lr LR               learning rate (default: 2.5e-4)
  --gamma M             Learning rate step gamma (default: 0.1)
  --no-cuda             disables CUDA training
  --dry-run             quickly check a single pass
  --seed S              random seed (default: 1)
  --log-interval N      how many batches to wait before logging training
  --save-model          For Saving the current Model
  --checkpoint FILE, -c FILE
                        Specify the path to the model

If a checkpoint exist, then use --checkpoint to specify the path to the checkpoint to continue training


  • For test dataset, use test.py
  • For single image testing, use predict.py or main.ipynb

After training your model and saving it to checkpoints/model.pt, you can easily test the output masks on your images via the CLI or main.ipynb

To predict a single image and compare result with its mask: python predict.py --network "ResidualUnet3D" --model 'checkpoints/model.pt' --input "./MRI1_T2.nii.gz" --mask "./MRI1_T2mask.nii.gz"

> python predict.py -h
usage: predict.py [-h] [--network NETWORK] [--model FILE] --input INPUT
                  [--mask INPUT] [--viz] [--no-save] [--no-cuda]
                  [--mask-threshold MASK_THRESHOLD]

Predict masks from input images

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --network NETWORK, -u NETWORK
                        Specify the network (Unet3D / ResidualUnet3D)
  --model FILE, -m FILE
                        Specify the path to the file in which the model is
                        stored (default:model.pt)
  --input INPUT, -i INPUT
                        Path to the image file (format: nii.gz)
  --mask INPUT, -l INPUT
                        Path to the ground truth of the input image
                        (if_available) (default:None)
  --viz, -v             Visualize the output (default:True)
  --no-save, -n         Do not save the output masks
  --no-cuda             disables CUDA testing (default: False)
  --mask-threshold MASK_THRESHOLD, -t MASK_THRESHOLD
                        Minimum probability value to consider a mask pixel
                        white (default: 0.5)

To predict the whole test dataset (with test dataloader): python test.py --network "ResidualUNet3D" --model "checkpoints/model.pt" --batch-size 1

> python test.py -h
usage: test.py [-h] [--network NETWORK] [--model FILE] [--batch-size N]
               [--no-cuda] [--mask-threshold MASK_THRESHOLD]

Evaluate using test loader

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --network NETWORK, -u NETWORK
                        Specify the network (Unet3D / ResidualUnet3D)
  --model FILE, -m FILE
                        Specify the paht to the file in which the model is
                        stored (model.pt)
  --batch-size N        input batch size for testing (default: 1)
  --no-cuda             disables CUDA testing (default: False)
  --mask-threshold MASK_THRESHOLD, -t MASK_THRESHOLD
                        Minimum probability value to consider a mask pixel
                        white (default: 0.5)

You can specify which model file to use with --model model.pt.


The input images and target masks (for training) should be in the dataset/train/T2/ and dataset/train/T2Masks/ folders respectively. Original dataset have 3D size (W * H * D), they are preprocessed by adding channel dimension and written into the h5 files for dataloading.

You can use your own dataset as long as you make sure it is loaded properly in dataloader.py.


Train Loss Validation Loss
train loss val loss
  • Hyperparmater settings for each of the network Hyperparameters

  • Performance in Dice Score Performance
