BigBox Settings

In this repository contains settings for the E3D BigBox 3D printer for use with various slicers.

This is work in progress. Please review all settings thoroughly before starting a print!

I am not responsible for failed prints or crashed machines!

Simplify3D - BigBox Profiles

This profiles make use of the auto configuration feature of Simplify3D offering you three drop down menus when editing a process. From these drop downs you can select your material, the quality and which extruder shall be used.

The profile is designed to set the most important settings according to your selection.

That means the material selection changes:

  • temperatures (hotend and bed)
  • cooling strategy
  • maybe retraction settings
  • some layer options

The quality selection changes:

  • layer height
  • settings for the first layer

The extruder selection:

  • activates and deactivates extruders
  • applies the needed g-code script for starting a print, changing tools and ending a print

BigBox Bed model

The repository includes a model file for the BigBox bed: "BigBoxBedAssembly.stl".

You can load this file in S3D in the application options. On the tab "Machine" select the provided STL file to see the bed in the 3D view.

Settings assignments ...

... to material auto configuration

Extruder tab
  • Extrusion Multiplier
  • Extrusion Width
  • Retraction Distance
  • Extra Restart Distance
  • Retraction Vertical Lift
  • Retraction Speed
  • Coast at End
  • Coasting Distance
  • Wipe Nozzle
  • Wipe Distance
Layer tab
  • First Layer Width
  • First Layer Speed
Temperature tab
  • Extruder Temperature
  • Bed Temperature
Cooling tab
  • Fan Speed
  • Adjust printing speed for layers below
  • Allow speed reductions down to
  • Increase fan speed for layers below
  • Maximum cooling fan speed
  • Bridging fan speed override
Other tab
  • Filament diameter
  • Filament price
  • Filament density
  • Unsupported area threshold
  • Extra inflation distance
  • Bridging extrusion multiplier
  • Bridging speed multiplier

... to quality auto configuration

Layer tab
  • Primary Layer Height
  • Top Solid Layers
  • Bottom Solid Layers
  • Outline/Perimeter Shells
  • First Layer Height
Infill tab
  • Interior Fill Percentage
Other tab
  • Default Printing Speed

Testing status

I tweak the settings a bit especially for dual prints because I had problems with the first layer on the second extruder. This is related to the fact that a purge prime retraction sequence is run in the tool change script which S3D does not know about. So it might be important to fight under or over extrusions of an extruder after a tool change that the sum of the tool change retraction and extra restart distance matches the sum of the normal extruder retraction and extra restart distance settings and also matches the retraction done in the tool change script after the priming of the new extruder. All those values are somehow bound together that the tool change script really works. Be careful if you change those values and maybe check the gcode file closely that tool change points to be sure that want you want to achieve really happens.

The material settings are generic, mostly covering manufacturer's recommendations.

I update frequently (or not) if I find some settings have to be changed.

Normally I do some tweaking of the settings for each print, take them as a base, no print is like the other...