
This is a informal NCW challenge to get newbies acquainted with JSON with a simple challenge.


About the challenge

This is an informal (for now, informal; not announced in the facebook group page, in development) challenge by Newbie Coder Warehouse. The purpose of this challenge is to get newbies a chance to build their own JSON code and display it on github. Also, they get exposed, if they haven't already, to a simple way to make a pull request to a GitHub repository. All levels welcomed.

The Challenge

Step 1: Make your sandwich

This challenge, make a json file with all the toppings of your favourite sandwich or any sandwich you enjoy eating. No wrong way to code the toppings, unless the JSON code has any errors.

Step 2: Validate your sandwich

To check that your JSON code works, go to http://jsonlint.com/ and copy/paste your code in the text box and press "Validate" If your code is valid, a green box will appear below the button that says, "Valid JSON"

Step 3: Send a pull request

After your code is valid, you can send a pull request to this repository.

In short, with a pull request, you will be adding and editing a JSON file that will be a part of this repository.

A simple way to do it

On this repository page, click on the plus button or new file button, name the file yourusername.json and copy/paste your json code. After your code is entered and you named the file, go to the bottom of the page and in the first input box, enter "Add yourusername.json" click on "Propose new file" (Don't worry about adding an extended description). The page will go to a "Comparing changes" page. On this page you can see the lines of codes that you added. Click on "Create pull request" and you are done.

The next thing to do is wait for your file to be merged.

Thanks for doing the challenge! Star this repository and share it with other newbies.