
Typescript Discord Music Bot that plays music from local audiofiles or from YouTube stream

Primary LanguageTypeScriptMIT LicenseMIT


Discord bot for music broadcasting.


Local installation

  1. Install Node.js (latest version is preferable)
  2. Install FFmpeg (Windows | Linux | macOS | or just run npm i -g ffmpeg-binaries)
  3. Clone the project
  4. npm install --prod (or yarn --prod if you have Yarn)
  5. Set up your Discord bot here
  6. Set up config.json (you can also use arguments instead)
  7. If you are using a stream, then step 8 can be skipped
  8. Create folder "music" and place audiofiles inside
  9. npm start (or yarn start if you have Yarn)


NOTE: Heroku deployment doesn't support playing from files. You should play the YouTube playlist or the video.

  1. Sign up in Heroku and download Heroku CLI. Also download Git.
  2. Clone the project
  3. heroku create project_name_goes_here
  4. Add the FFMPEG buildpack by running: heroku buildpacks:add https://github.com/jonathanong/heroku-buildpack-ffmpeg-latest.git
  5. git push heroku master
  6. Open Heroku Dashboard, find your new app's page, open up the Settings section and add config vars token and roomId. (Also add optional settings)

Starting the bot with arguments

Options picking priority:

  1. Arguments
  2. ./config.json
  3. Environment variables

If you use the bot witout config.json you have to use at least two args - --token and --roomId and --volume.

npm start -- --token your_token_here --roomId 441341872296951822

If you want to play a YouTube stream you should specify the --stream argument:

npm start -- --token your_token_here --roomId 441341872296951822 --stream https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QKYfTUTwowk

If you already have the config.json, all the arguments become optional. But if you specify arguments, they replace options in config file.

Here's the full list of possible arguments

Setting up config.json

  "token": "your bot's access token goes right here",
  "roomId": "rooms_id_goes_here",
  "volume": 0.5,
  "showSongName": true,
  "stream": "https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QKYfTUTwowk",
  "playlist": "https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLD0C7C075F4BB68E9"

Options and arguments

--token: String
Your bot's token.

--roomId: String
Id of the channel the bot will try to enter into.

--volume: Number (optional)
Music's volume from 0 to 1. Default value is 1.

--showSongName: String (optional)
Enables showing the current's song filename. Works only when bot is playing the music from file system.

--stream: String (optional)
Makes bot play audiotrack from this URL. Support Youtube only. Don't specify it if you want to play your music from ./music/ folder!

--playlist: String (optional)
Makes bot play audiotrack from this URL. Support Youtube only. If not specified, the app will play music from the stream option.



Logo design by eightonesix / Freepik. Heavily modified by me.