STUB containers for PACTA application

This repo defines 2 stub containers: portfolio_parser and report_runner.

docker-compose.yml contains a working (local) example.

Local invokation

docker-compose up --build portfolio_parser

Then copy one of the UUID filenames in /mount/processed_portfolios/ to the PORTFOLIO envvar for report_runner and:

docker-compose up --build report_runner

report file will exist at /mount/reports/<PORTFOLIO ID>


Intended to simulate portfolio validation and parsing logic. This container is the link between the raw portfolio CSV files that users upload, and the internal JSON format that we will be using.


  • USERID Environment variable
  • Volume Mount from directory containing portfolios to be processed to /mnt/raw_portfolios
  • Volume Mount from directory to contain processed portfolios to /mnt/processed_portfolios

Note that this copntainer simulates the linkage between portfolio files and user IDs, contained in processed_portfolios/00-database.csv


Creates report index.html and assosciated files from a processed portfolio JSON file


  • PORTFOLIO Environment variable containing portfolio JSON filename (sans extension)
  • Volume Mount from directory containing processed portfolios to /mnt/processed_portfolios
  • Volume Mount from directory to contain reports to /mnt/reports