
Public repository of https://www.amazon.com/dp/B082Z65LCD Polish version: https://pl.euro-linux.com/blog/tag/s-bash-bushido/ GitHubPages: https://alexbaranowski.github.io/bash-bushido-book/

Primary LanguageCSS

Bash Bushido Book

This repository contains Bash Bushido Book. You can download it for free from GitHub. You can also purchase for symbolic dolar from Amazon Kindle store

You can read this book on-line here: GH Pages

You can read original polish version here: EuroLinux blog


Feel free to create issue :).

About book

Bash Bushido is a book dedicated to Linux/Unix/Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL) that have about 150 tricks, tips and pointers about working in and with a console. All of it is mixed with the author's specific sense of humour and a bunch of anecdotes. The primary audience of the book are SysAdmins/DevOps engineers.

Building and Requirements

Building epub and html formats requires:

  • make
  • pandoc
make html
make eupb

Building mobi additionally requires

make mobi

Building PDF requires

  • google-chrome
  • python 3
make pdf

I'm using the chrome printer scripts that I made - https://github.com/AlexBaranowski/chrome-print-page-python or FireFox page printing