Smart Interact

PNS-Innov team C

Jenkins Artifactory

Table of contents

Project presentation

Team C

  • Alexandre Bolot
  • Laura Lopez
  • Alexanne Masson
  • Théos Mariani

Project subject

Making a game-engine to include Natural Language Processing in video games.

Video-games can interact with our solution by sending the player's message, and we send back the appropriate reply.

We target two types of users :

  • Game Designer (working on dialogues, script and characters) Their job is to create Characters, give them some Knowledge, test if they match the expected behaviour and monitor the Character's reactions (what's in their mind)

  • Game Developper (coding the rest of the game) Their job is to plug our solution to the game they create, no matter the coding language they use (C, C++, Java, Python, etc)

Important : the video-game players are NOT our direct users.
We provide a tool for companies to create games on their own and sell them to players.

Project architecture

Component Diagram



  • Designer Tool

    • PrepareGame
    • Monitor
    • ProcessInteraction
  • ProcessInteraction

    • AnalyseSyntax
    • ManageJson
    • GenerateAnswer
  • PrepareGame, Monitor and GenerateAnswer

    • ManageJson

References to sub modules

Some of the git submodule links displayed on the the repository front page are broken and impossible to fix without puting the project structure at risk.

Therefore please use the following up-to-date links :

Sub module Jenkins
Analyse Syntax Build Status
Designer Tool Build Status
Generate Answer Build Status
Manage Json Build Status
Monitor Build Status
Prepare Game Build Status
Process Interaction Build Status


As we are working with a Scrum Agile method, here are the Sprint-release dates and associated (if existing) release tags :

Sprint Due date Tag
1 28/05/2019 SPRINT1
2 06/06/2019 SPRINT2
3 13/06/2019 n/a