
Implementation of Minecraft protocols in Go : ping, query, bedrock and rcon.

Primary LanguageGoMIT LicenseMIT

mcutils - Implementation of Minecraft protocols in Go



test workflow


All protocols are implemented in Go, without any external dependency. All protocols should be supported on any platform/architecture as long as Go can compile them.

All protocols have been implemented using wiki.vg. All of them are 100% compliant with the standard described there.

This project also contains an helper in communication with tcp/udp, called pkg/networking.

This project has no dependency.

Supported protocols

All protocols implementations support SRV record resolving.

Rcon implementation supports fragmented response packets.

Ping protocol changed in 1.7 in a non-backwards compatible way. Both modern and legacy SLP protocols are supported.



go install github.com/xrjr/mcutils/cmd/mcutils@latest


$ mcutils ping <hostname> <port>
Example : mcutils ping localhost 25565

$ mcutils ping-legacy <hostname> <port>
Example : mcutils ping localhost 25565

$ mcutils ping-legacy-1.6.4 <hostname> <port>
Same as ping-legacy, but uses 1.6+ SLP protocol
Example : mcutils ping localhost 25565

$ mcutils query <basic|full> <hostname> <port>
Example : mcutils query basic localhost 25565

$ mcutils rcon <hostname> <port> <password> <command>
Example : mcutils rcon localhost 25575 mypassword "say hello"

$ mcutils ping-bedrock <hostname> <port>
Example : mcutils ping-bedrock localhost 19132

How to use (simple way) ?


// Ping returns the server list ping infos (JSON-like object), and latency of a minecraft server.
properties, latency, err := ping.Ping("localhost", 25565)
// Ping returns the legacy server list ping infos, and latency of a minecraft server.
properties, latency, err := ping.PingLegacy("localhost", 25565)
// Ping returns the legacy server list ping infos (using 1.6+ SLP protocol), and latency of a minecraft server.
properties, latency, err := ping.PingLegacy1_6_4("localhost", 25565)


// QueryBasic returns the basic stat of a minecraft server.
basicStat, err := query.QueryBasic("localhost", 25565)

// QueryBasic returns the full stat of a minecraft server.
fullStat, err := query.QueryFull("localhost", 25565)


// Stat returns stat of a minecraft:bedrock server
stat, err := bedrock.Stat("localhost", 19132)


// Rcon executes a command on a minecraft server, and returns the response of that command.
response, err := rcon.Rcon("localhost", 25575, "password", "command")

Bedrock ping

// Ping returns the server infos, and latency of a minecraft bedrock server.
response, err := bedrock.Ping("localhost", 19132)

How to use (full control way) ?


pingclient := ping.NewClient("localhost", 25565)

// Connect opens the connection, and can raise an error for example if the server is unreachable
err := pingclient.Connect()

// Handshake is the base request of ping, the one that displays number of players, MOTD, etc...
// If all went well, hs contains a field Properties which contains a golang-usable JSON Object
hs, err := pingclient.Handshake()

// Ping is a request that basically do nothing and is just used for measuring the latency
// pong contains the latency in ms
pong, err := pingclient.Ping()

// Disconnect closes the connection
err = pingclient.Disconnect()
legacypingclient := ping.NewClientLegacy("localhost", 25565)

// Connect opens the connection, and can raise an error for example if the server is unreachable
err := legacypingclient.Connect()

// Ping requests for informations and latency of a server, using legacy SLP.
infos, latency, err := legacypingclient.Ping()

// Same as Ping, but uses 1.6+ SLP protocol. Only one call to Ping or Ping1_6_4 should be done per opened connection.
infos, latency, err := legacypingclient.Ping1_6_4()

// Disconnect closes the connection
err = legacypingclient.Disconnect()


queryclient := query.NewClient("localhost", 25565)

// Connect opens the connection, and can raise an error for example if the server is unreachable
err := queryclient.Connect()

// Handshake request is used to get the challenge token, needed for questing basic and full stat
challengeToken, err := queryclient.Handshake()

// BasicStat returns several informations about the server like number of players, maximum number of players, etc... in a fully predictable way
bs, err := queryclient.BasicStat(challengeToken)

// FullStat returns several informations (more than BasicStat) in a Key/Value format, plus the list of connected players
fs, err := queryclient.FullStat(challengeToken)

// Disconnect closes the connection


client := bedrock.NewClient("localhost", 19132)

// Connect opens the connection, and can raise an error for example if the server is unreachable
err := client.Connect()

stat, err := client.Stat()


rconclient := rcon.NewClient("localhost", 25575)

// Connect opens the connection, and can raise an error for example if the server is unreachable
err := rconclient.Connect()

// Authenticate request is used to authenticate the connection.
// If the authentication succeeds, ok will be true, and if it fails, ok will be false.
// err will be nil unless there is a communication problem with the server
ok, err := rconclient.Authenticate("password")

// Command will execute the given command on the server, and the output text will be returned in res
res, err := rconclient.Command("playerlist")

// Disconnect closes the connection

Bedrock Ping

pingclient := ping.NewClient("localhost", 25565)

// Connect opens the connection, and can raise an error for example if the server is unreachable
err := pingclient.Connect()

// UnconnectedPing is a request that retrieve server informations and latency
pong, latency, err := pingclient.UnconnctedPing()

// Disconnect closes the connection
err = pingclient.Disconnect()