
This is a minimalistic project to show us how we can connect to metamask using web3modal in nextjs / react.

This could just as easily be done in typescript.

This project started with nexjs boilerplate by running yarn create next-app nextjs-web3modal-metamask-connect

Video Coming soon...

Video coming soon...

Getting Started


  • git
    • You'll know you did it right if you can run git --version and you see a response like git version x.x.x
  • Nodejs & npm
    • You'll know you've installed nodejs right if you can run:
      • node --version And get an ouput like: vx.x.x
    • You'll know you've installed npx right if you can run:
      • npm --version And get an ouput like: x.x.x
  • Yarn instead of npm
    • You'll know you've installed yarn right if you can run:
      • yarn --version And get an output like: x.x.x
      • You might need to install it with npm
  • Metamask
    • This is a browser extension that lets you interact with the blockchain.
  • A Testnet Kovan project Alchemy URL


  1. Clone and install dependencies
git clone
cd nextjs-ethers-metamask-connect
  1. Then, you'll need to open up a second terminal and run:
git clone
cd hardhat-simple-storage
yarn hardhat node

This will deploy a sample contract and start a local hardhat blockchain.

  1. Connect your metamask to your local hardhat blockchain.

PLEASE USE A METAMASK ACCOUNT THAT ISNT ASSOCIATED WITH ANY REAL MONEY. I usually use a few different browser profiles to separate my metamasks easily.

In the output of the above command, take one of the private key accounts and import it into your metamask.

Additionally, add your localhost with chainid 31337 to your metamask.

  1. Add your Alchemy URL

Create a file named .env.local and add the following:


But add your kovan alchemy URL of course.

  1. Open the UI

Then, back in your first terminal, run:

yarn dev
  1. Hit buttons

You'll be brought to the UI after running yarn dev which has exactly 2 buttons. Hit connect, metamask, then hit execute and you'll send a transaction to your local hardhat.

Important localhost note

If you use metamask with a local network, everytime you shut down your node, you'll need to reset your account. Settings -> Advanced -> Reset account. Don't do this with a metamask you have real funds in.

Full Examples

Thank you!

If you appreciated this, feel free to follow me or donate!

ETH/Polygon/Avalanche/etc Address: 0x9680201d9c93d65a3603d2088d125e955c73BD65

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