Modular backtesting tools (Python)
- git clone
- Create venv
1. virtualenv venv
2. enter venv
(a) windows: venv\Scripts\activate
(b) linux & MAC OS: source venv/bin/activate
3. pip install -r requirements.txt
- Get Data
- run (update_period = 'monthly')
- run
- Create your own strategies
- Create your strategy into "Strategy File"
- RSI Strategy in
- The data.df is a resampled DataFrame object, which can be utilized effectively.
- entryLong / entrySellShort are the entry condition.
- exitShort / exitBuyToCover are the exit condition.
- For more details on the backtesting functions, please refer to "Exit Parameters Instruction".
data = Data(df_symbol=df_btc_origin, rule='30T')
data.df['rsi'] = talib.RSI(data.df['Close'], 12)
data.df['rsi_r1'] = data.df['rsi'].rolling(12).mean()
data.df['rsi_r2'] = data.df['rsi'].rolling(24).mean()
## entry condition
entryLong = (data.df['rsi_r1'] > data.df['rsi_r2']) & (data.df['rsi_r1'] > 70)
entrySellShort = (data.df['rsi_r1'] < data.df['rsi_r2']) & (data.df['rsi_r1'] < 30)
## exit condition
exitShort = data.df['rsi_r1'] < 30
exitBuyToCover = data.df['rsi_r1'] > 70
data.type_setting(entryLong, entrySellShort, exitShort, exitBuyToCover, longOnly=False, shortOnly=False)
output_dict = dictType_output(backtesting(data.input_arr, exit_profitOut=True, exParam2=0.02, fund=100)) # 2% stop profit
- 考慮翻單的獲利情況 (假如出場時滿足對邊進場條件)
- Numba @jit 加速運算
- 內建超過 30 種停利停損出場方式
- 配對交易回測 - 等資金下注
- 補充幣安月資料的缺漏天數
- 加減碼邏輯
- 永續合約之資金費率
- 配對交易非等資金下注
- 台指期或其他市場
- tick data 回測
- resample 使用 (left, left) 為開盤時間 K 棒 ; resample 加一分鐘再使用 (right, right) 為收盤時間 K 棒
- 為了與幣安統一使用前者, 之後使用外部資料需小心 forward looking 問題
- timestamp 轉 datetime 用 pd.to_datetime() 才不會自動轉換為 UTC+8
- 回測限制 : 如果同一根 K 棒同時碰到停損及停利, 視為停損
- 盤中停損另加滑價 (stopLoss_slippageAdd)
- 對外使用請註明出處 (Please indicate the source for external use.)
- 有空的話會再把 Document 和程式註解寫豐富一點
- 聯絡方式
- email :
- linkedin :