
Conan Exiles dedicated server runner

Primary LanguagePython

Server Thrall is a python based dedicated server toolbox. It's not a GUI to manage your server. It adds new features to the dedicated server that are not previously supported. To get the full value out of server thrall, please read the Configuration for Plugins section.


How to run

Click on serverthrall.exe If this is your first time running it you will see Server Thrall download the Conan Exiles Dedicated Server and then create a new serverthrall.config file in the same directory. See more information below on what serverthrall.config contains.

Common Issues

  • Q> When the Conan Exiles server starts it opens up an error alert that says The procedure entry point ?IsAlive@CThread@@QEBA_NXZ could not

  • A> This happens when steam is running at the same time. If you close steam the error goes away when launching Conan Exiles.

  • Q> ServerThrall is stuck at Waiting for config to exist

  • A> This can happen if ServerThrall crashes during the updater process. Your configurations may not exist anymore and you need to force an update by using force_update_on_launch = true in your serverthrall.config. I do not recommend leaving that option on.

  • Q> I can't join my own server and I'm playing on the same computer I'm hosting my server on.

  • A> Conan Exiles requires you to set your MULTIHOME for your server to your local IP address. Server thrall attempts to do this for you, but it may be failing depending on your computers network configuration. Check the logs when serverthrall starts the server to see if the IP matche your computers. If not, use the multihome config option documented below to override the setting to the correct ip address.

Configuration for Plugins

Do not edit serverthrall.config while serverthrall is running. Your changes will be overwritten by serverthrall.

Plugin Description Config
These are configuration options for the "ServerThrall" section and are app wide. conan_server_directory: A directory where ServerThrall should be able to find "ConanSandboxServer.exe"
force_update_on_launch: Set to true or false to force ServerThrall to update and validate the conan exiles server files. Useful if you've accidently deleted or removed any files and your server won't launch.
additional_arguments: Passes additional arguments to ConanSandboxServer. Arguments are documented here, https://docs.unrealengine.com/en-us/Programming/Basics/CommandLineArguments. By default the only parameter passed to the server is -log which is required for ServerThrall to work properly for now.
set_high_priority If true, ensures the operating system process priority for the conan exiles server is high. This works even if attaching or rebooting the server.multihome Conan Exiles will by default set your servers multihome argument to your local IP address. If this behavior is incorrect, or insufficient, you can override that value with this setting. Set this to your own computers IP to join a server on the same computer that you want to play on.

testlive Set to true run your server for testlive, false to use the live version.
ServerConfig Allows you to configure common server settings from your server thrall config. If the config differs from expected, the config will be edited and the server restarted. enabled: Set to true or false to prevent this plugin from running
ServerName=My Server: Sets the name that will be displayed in the server list.
ServerPassword=Password123: Sets the server password that will need to be entered to join the server. Leave blank for no password.
QueryPort=27015: Sets the query port for Steam matchmaking. Same as setting -QueryPort in the command line.
MaxPlayers=70: Sets the maximum number of players.
AdminPassword=SecretPassword: Sets the administrative password for the server. This will grant players administrative rights when used from the settings menu in-game.
MaxNudity=2: Sets the maximum nudity level allowed on the server. (0=None, 1=Partial, 2=Full)
IsBattlEyeEnabled=True: Enables/disables BattlEye protection for the server.
ServerRegion=1: Sets the server's region. (0=EU, 1=NA, 2=Asia)
ServerCommunity=1: Sets the server's play style (0=None, 1=Purist, 2=Relaxed, 3=Hard Core, 4=Role Playing, 5=Experimental)
PVPBlitzServer=False: Enables/disables Blitz mode. (accelerated progression)
PVPEnabled=True: Enables/disables PvP on the server.
NetServerMaxTickRate=30: Sets the maximum tick rate (update rate) for the server. WARNING: High values can cause unwanted behavior.
DownRecovery Restarts the server if the server is offline. enabled: Set to true or false to prevent this plugin from running
ServerUpdater Checks for updates and updates the server automatically enabled: Set to true or false to prevent this plugin from running
installed_version: the currently known server version. delete this key to force an update
check_cooldown_seconds: How long in seconds between checking for updates.
last_checked_seconds: The unix time stamp since this plugin has last checked for updates.
ServerRestarter Will restart the server at defined intervals, and sends out a warning to discord if that option is enabled.Sends message to discord via webhooks.
restart_times: This field determines all the times the server is restarted. The foramt of this field is 6:00,10:00,16:00,20:00 where each time is 24 hour time with HOURS:MINUTES, separated by a coma. There is no limit to the amount of times you can specify. The times do not have to be in chronological order.
send_warning_message: Set to true or false to send a warning message to discord warning of the upcoming restart.
warning_minutes How long in minutes to warn players in discord of a coming server restart.
Discord Sends message to discord via webhooks. ServerRestarter: A webhook URL for the ServerRestarter plugin to send messages on.
DownRecovery: A webhook URL for the DownRecovery plugin to send messages on.
ServerUpdater: A webhook URL for the ServerUpdater plugin to send messages on.
stale_message_seconds: Don't retry failed message on the webhook that are older than this time in seconds.
UptimeTracker Records the percentage of time the server has been online. If the server thrall is closed, this counts against the uptime percentage. enabled: Set to true or false to prevent this plugin from running
seconds_up: The total amount of seconds the server has been up
initial: unix timestamp of when the server uptime started to be recorded. Delete this to restart your uptime counter
ApiUploader Uploads your server data to serverthrallapi so you can see your data online. If your server_id was 2, and your private_secret was 200cd768-5b1d-11e7-9e82-d60626067254 you would access your servers characters at this URL: https://serverthrallapi.herokuapp.com/api/2/characters?private_secret=200cd768-5b1d-11e7-9e82-d60626067254 enabled: Set to true or false to prevent this plugin from running
server_id: The registered server id with serverthrallapi, used to access your data.
public_secret: A public code you can give to your players to access a "public" view of your servers data. This is unused but will be used later.
private_secret A secret code that is used to make modifications to your server and synchronize data. Do NOT give this out to your players
DeadManSnitch https://deadmanssnitch.com Emails you when your server is down. You can sign up for a free account which gives one limited snitch. snitch_url: The url you get from deadmansnitch to snitch to.

Example Config

force_update_on_launch = false
conan_server_directory = c:\serverthrall\vendor\server
set_high_priority = false
testlive = false

enabled = true
initial = 1524042675.0
seconds_up = 892.0
uptime_percent = 86.06

enabled = true

enabled = true
installed_version = 1933316

enabled = true
restart_times = 3:55,3:56,3:57,3:58,3:59,4:06,4:15,4:17
warning_minutes = 5
send_warning_message = True

enabled = true
stale_message_seconds = 2
ServerRestarter = https://discordapp.com/api/webhooks/...
DownRecovery = https://discordapp.com/api/webhooks/...
ServerUpdater = https://discordapp.com/api/webhooks/...

enabled = true

enabled = true
ServerName = Awesome Server
NetServerMaxTickRate = 60
MaxPlayers = 8
AdminPassword = 1234
IsBattlEyeEnabled = True

Ginfo Integration

Ginfo Integration allows you to track the position of players on your server in real time on the Ginfo Map

Set up the Integration:

  • You'll need to be the admin of a ginfo group
  • Open the panel of your group by clicking on your groups button in the left bar
  • Click on the "..." more button at the top right of the panel
  • Open the "Access Tokens" Menu
  • Create an access token
  • Copy your group's UID and access token to your serverthrall.config under the ApiUploader section
enabled = true
ginfo_group_uid = <GROUP UID>
ginfo_access_token = <ACCESS TOKEN>


If you use the ApiUploader plugin, you should see your server at http://thrallbrowser.com and can browse your server info and give a nice live website to your players.

Example Log

> runserver.bat
[serverthrall] Running version 2.0.8
[serverthrall] Initializing with plugin ApiUploader
[serverthrall] Initializing with plugin DeadManSnitch
[serverthrall] Initializing with plugin Discord
[serverthrall] Initializing with plugin DownRecovery
[serverthrall] Initializing with plugin ServerConfig
[serverthrall] Initializing with plugin ServerUpdater
[serverthrall] Initializing with plugin ServerRestarter
[serverthrall] Initializing with plugin UptimeTracker
[serverthrall] Launching server and waiting for child processes with extra arguments,  -MULTIHOME=
[serverthrall] Server running successfully
[serverthrall.ServerUpdater] Auto updater ready, currently known buildid is 2729250
[serverthrall.UptimeTracker] Server Uptime at 87.06 percent