
Angular 1 module that integrates with Sortable.js


Install with NPM

	npm install angular-legacy-sortablejs


Simple Drag and Drop

angular.module('exampleApp', [])
.component('dragAndDropExample', {
	template: `<ul ng-sortable>
		<li ng-repeat="item in ['burgers', 'chips', 'hotdog']">
			{$ item $}

Specifying a Config

You can pass a Config obj to ng-sortable and it will pass this onto the created sortable object. The available options can be found here

angular.module('exampleApp', [])
.component('dragAndDropExample', {
	template: `<ul ng-sortable=$ctrl.sortableConf>
		<li ng-repeat="item in ['burgers', 'chips', 'hotdog']">
			{$ item $}
	controller: function AppSidebarController() {
  	var ctrl = this;
		ctrl.sortableConf = {
				animation: 350,
				chosenClass: 'sortable-chosen',
				forceFallback: true,

Drag handle

Example showing how use the handle option

angular.module('exampleApp', [])
.component('dragAndDropExample', {
	template: `<ul ng-sortable=$ctrl.sortableConf>
		<li ng-repeat="item in ['burgers', 'chips', 'hotdog']" draggable="false">
			<span class="grab-handle">Drag Header</span>
			<div>{$ item $}</div>
	controller: function AppSidebarController() {
  	var ctrl = this;
		ctrl.sortableConf = {
				animation: 350,
				chosenClass: 'sortable-chosen',
				handle: '.grab-handle',
				forceFallback: true,