CodeWars Challenges: Visit Here
A repository filled with LeetCode and Codewars challenges (kata). Each week I push daily solutions of varying difficulty to maintain and develop problem-solving abilities.
Tech used: JavaScript, TypeScript
The first thing I do every day is solve a LeetCode or CodeWars problem! Utilizing JavaScript and/or TypeScript, each problem presents a set of instructions that must be followed in pursuit of the desired solution.
I consistently optimize my code for both readability and efficiency.
Solving a problem every day allows me to be presented with a unique problem daily. Utilizing my skillset, I attempt to create a solution with the best methodologies.
Whether I can solve the problem initially or not, I am constantly looking at the solution manual and explanations for alternative solutions in an effort to further my knowledge. Through this, I am able to learn new methodologies and apply specific data structures and algorithms in future projects and problems!