Repository for learning purposes following the Substrate tutorial: to develop Smart Contracts using the ink! language.
Move to the folder of the Smart contract you want to test. Run the tests:
cargo +nightly test
Build the WebAssembly for the contract:
cargo +nightly contract build
To deploy lthe SCs locally, download a precompiled Substrate Contracts Node:
cargo install contracts-node --git --tag <latest-tag> --force --locked
And run:
substrate-contracts-node --dev
Then deploy them using the Contracts UI from Substrate: uploading the .contract file generated after the build.
Deploy the contract with CLI:
cargo contract instantiate --constructor new --args "false" --suri //Alice --salt $(date +%s)
Interact with the SC using cargo-contract Example:
cargo contract call --contract SC-ADDRESS --message flip --suri //Alice
cargo contract call --contract SC-ADDRESS --message get --suri //Alice --dry-run
ERROR: cargo-contract cannot build using the "stable" channel. Switch to nightly. See
rustup default nightly
- Cross_contract_flipper has no unit test (not support yet), check: