
This repository contains the xcm examples for the Deep Dives session. The examples are set up using the XCM-simulator and for the integration tests the Parachains Integration Tests tool.

To create the setup for testing and some of the examples, has been very useful the XCM Docs. You can clone their repo and play with the examples there:


How to run

To run the examples, do the following:

  1. Clone the repository: git clone https://github.com/AlexD10S/xcm-playground.git

  2. cd to the examples folder: cd xcm-playground

  3. Run all the tests: cargo test or a single test: cargo test -p xcm-examples trap_and_claim_assets -- --nocapture


Mint NFT

Parachain A sends two transact instructions to the relay chain. The first instruction creates a NFT collection with as admin Parachain A. The second instruction mints a NFT for the collection with as Owner ALICE.

cd mint_nft
cargo test -p xcm-playground transact_mint_nft -- --nocapture
Transfer NFT

The relay-chain transfers an NFT into a parachain's sovereign account, who then mints a trustless-backed-derivated locally.

cd transfer_nft
cargo test -p xcm-playground reserve_asset_transfer_nft -- --nocapture
Teleport Asset

Basic ALICE teleports her native assets from the relay chain to parachain A.

cd teleport
cargo test -p xcm-playground teleport_fungible -- --nocapture

Play with Config, to change Barrier, and add instructions to pay fees.

Lock Asset

ALICE from parachain A locks 5 cents of relay chain native assets of its Sovereign account on the relay chain and assigns Parachain B as unlocker. Parachain A then asks Parachain B to unlock the funds partly. Parachain B responds by sending an UnlockAssets instruction to the relay chain.

cd lock
cargo test -p xcm-playground remote_locking -- --nocapture

Integrations tests

We will be using Zombienet. A cli tool to easily spawn ephemeral Polkadot/Substrate networks and perform tests against them.

And the Parachains Integration Tests tool to perform XCM tests against this networks.

For Zombienet we specify the networks we want to run in the .toml file: xcm_playground.toml.

For that we need to create some binaries and add them in the integration_tests/bin folder:

  • polkadot (which you can download from the releases)
  • polkadot-parachain (which you will build from cumulus)
  • trappist-node. Our parachain. Trappist is a web3 developer playground used by the Delivery Services team at Parity for experimenting with XCM and different new Polkadot features. You can create your binary here: https://github.com/paritytech/trappist

For this demo we are using the version polkadot-v0.9.42, so binaries will need to use that version.

First install integrations-tests tool following the instructions from the repo: https://github.com/paritytech/parachains-integration-tests

yarn global add ts-node

yarn global add @parity/parachains-integration-tests

Then install Zombienet using the instructions from the repo: https://github.com/paritytech/zombienet/

cd src/integration_tests
chmod +x zombienet-macos

In the repo integration_tests we have the .toml file with the networks we will run with zombienet, run it:

./zombienet-macos spawn xcm_playground.toml -p native

When everything is running, run the tests, specified in the file 0_reserve_transfer.yml:

npx parachains-integration-tests -m test -t 0_reserve_transfer.yml