Generate simple, interleafable, HTML tags.

Primary LanguagePerl 6Artistic License 2.0Artistic-2.0


HTML::Tag - Simple HTML Tag Generators


    use HTML::Tag::Tags;

    say HTML::Tag::p.new(:text('This is my paragraph'), :class('pretty')).render;
    # <p class="pretty">This is my paragraph</p>

    my $link = HTML::Tag::a.new(:text('paragraph'),
    say HTML::Tag::p.new(:text("This is my ", $link, ".")),
    # <p class="pretty">This is my <a href="http://dom.com">paragraph</a>.


HTML::Tag::Tags provides little objects to generate HTML tags. Tags that support :text have their string text encoded for HTML special characters.

Tags that support :text also support "embedding" other tags inside their :text by passing alternating string text and tag objects as a list. Tag objects passed this way should not have .render called on them first to avoid the HTML special characters being escaped.

Not all attributes of every HTML tag is supported, just the most common. It enforces very little. It is meant to help minimize clutter in code for those who are not using html template classes or who wish to dynamically generate segments of html code.

Please see the POD documentation for each macro for more details on macro use.

Also, an HTML::Tag::Exports can be used to export the symbol "tag" into your scope which shortens HTML::Tag::<thing> creation to tag('thing', %opts)


HTML::Tag::Tags will give you all tag classes defined. They can be instantiated with HTML::Tag::.new and take options matching their normal html attributes.

Tags can be combined into one another by placing them into another tag's :text attribute. Tags are then recursively rendered when .render is called on the furthest-outward containing tag (such as HTML::Tag::html which represents an entire page).

HTML::Tag::Macro::CSS will generate a CSS link.

HTML::Tag::Macro::Table will help generate tables.

HTML::Tag::Macro::List will help generate lists.

HTML::Tag::Macro::Form will help generate form and do some form variable handling.


Please see individual macro files for more thorough documentation on each macro.


Renders a normal CSS file link that can be wrapped into a html head element:



A HTML::Tag::Macro::Table object gets fed rows one after the other. These rows contain arrays of data that will be surrounded by td's.

    my $table = HTML::Tag::Macro::Table.new;
    my @data = $var1, $var2, $var3;
    @data = $var4, $var5, $var6;

The .row method takes Bool :$header which will generated th tags instead of td tags for each array element (representing a table header row).

The .row method takes Hash :$tr-opts which will apply normal HTML::Tag::tr options to that row, as specified in :$tr-opts.

The .row method takes Hash :$td-opts which will apply normal HTML::Tag::td options to td tags that are generated for that row. $td-opts is keyed by the td array element (see td-opts example code below).

    $table = HTML::Tag::Macro::Table.new(:table-opts(id =>'myID'));
    @data = 'Col1', 'Col2', 'Col3';
    $table.row(:header(True), @data);
    @data = 11, 22, 33;
    @data = 111, 222, 333;
    my $td-opts = %(1 => {class => 'pretty'},
                    2 => {class => 'pretty',
                          id    => 'lastone'});
    $table.row(:td-opts($td-opts), @data);

As you can see the new constructor takes :$table-opts that will be passed along to the normal HTML::Tag::table object.



Generates an ordered or unordered HTML list from a supplied array, or constructs the array for you by repeated calling of the item() method.

    my $list = HTML::Tag::Macro::List.new;
    $list.link(:to('http://somewhere'), :text('rainbows'));
    $list.link(:to('http://elsewhere'), :text('snails'),

    # .. or ..

    my @fruit = 'fingers', 'sofa', 'airliner';
    my $html = HTML::Tag::Macro::List.new(:items(@fruit)).render;

The lists have a special method called link() that makes HTML::Tag::a links that are surrounded by list elements since this is a common way to generate HTML menus.


Generates forms based upon a definition variable passed in. This variable must be an array of hashes.

The array of hashes represents one form element per hash in the array. Labels are automatically generated for all form elements by default.

The hash key represents the HTML name of the hash by default, and the input variable if given, etc. That key's value represents options for that form element.

    use HTML::Tag::Macro::Form;

    my $form = HTML::Tag::Macro::Form.new(:action('/hg/login/auth'),
    $form.def = ({username => {}},
                 {password => { type => 'password' }},
                 {submit   => { value => 'Login',
                                type  => 'submit',
                                label => '' }}


Most certainly a work in progress.


Mark Rushing mark@orbislumen.net


This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the Artistic License 2.0.