
SA-MP authentication process exploit, better known as "server full exploit"

Primary LanguagePython


SA-MP authentication process exploit, better known as "server full exploit"


This exploit is a simulation of the SA-MP (San Andreas Multiplayer) authentication process, which is responsible for assigning player IDs. The issue with this process is that the assigned ID remains static for a brief period of time, leading to a saturation of IDs in the pool when many connections are made. As a result, the "server full" error occurs and no additional players are permitted entry.


The most recent releases of the SA-MP server have a minor patch in place to address this issue. However, despite the patch, the problem persists when a large number of connections are established. Consequently, the official solution offered by Kalcor is not effective in cases where the attacker utilizes a botnet or employs spoofing techniques. Nevertheless, cookies are produced utilizing a random seed generated periodically by the server (view "connseedtime"). Decreasing the time interval of the seed generation can help mitigate the impact of a spoofing-based attack. However, if the attack is executed through a botnet with a sufficient number of bots, an external filter must be employed to counteract it.


Server full

Server log