
An incompressible fluid simulation in C++

Primary LanguageC++GNU General Public License v2.0GPL-2.0

Simulating an incompressible fluid using finite difference method

This simulation is implemented in C++ and follows the description given in Numerical simulation in Fluid Dynamics A Practical Introduction by M. Griebel, T. Dornseifer and T. Neunhoeffer.

Example of a top lid moving to the right and driving the flow with it. In addition, there is a circle as an obstacle:

What is implemented

  • 2D simulation in a rectangular grid
  • Incompressible fluid
  • 5 different boundary conditions at the edges of the grid: no-slip, free-slip, outflow, inflow, periodic boundaries
  • Obstacles inside the domain
  • A python script to visualise the output

What is not implemented

  • Parallelized computation
  • Obstacles moving due to the flow
  • 3D simulation

Quick to-do list

  • F and G could be calculated together (so that we have less loops). And then the boundary values for them could be put into one function too.
  • Verify the different boundary conditions

What is required

All of this was developed on a linux machine and may not work directly on Windows or Mac.

  • mpich package (openMPI, gcc) for compiling and running (even though parallel computation is not implemented yet). I use version 3.3.1-1 of mpich found on the AUR.

  • The libraries numpy, matplotlib and pandas in python to visualise the output. I use python 3.7

A typical run

A typical run would consist of 3:

  1. Set the inputs for the desired simulation
  2. Run the simulation
  3. Look at the outputs

1. The inputs

1.1. The input file

The input file is located at IO/input:

Inputs what it does
xlength length of the system along x
ylength length of the system along y
imax number of cells in x
jmax number of cells in y
dt maximum desired time step
t_end simulation time
dt_out time difference between 2 consecutive simulation dumps
tau security factor (0<tau<=1) for the time step
itermax maximum number of iteration to get the pressure when using the SOR algo.
eps maximum residual in the SOR algo.
omega coeff in the SOR algo
Re Reynolds number
gx external force along x
gy external force along y
UI Initial velocity along x (given in the whole domain)
VI Initial velocity along y (given in the whole domain)
PI Initial pressure (given in the whole domain)
rho density
dynvis dynamical viscosity
inflow speed of the inflow in case of inflow boundary condition
wW boundary condition on the left of the box (x=0)
wE boundary condition on the right of the box (x=xlength)
wN boundary condition on the top of the box (y=ylength)
wS boundary condition on the bottom of the box (y=0)

The values of rho and dynvis are not currently used. I hesitated between requesting physical inputs values or dimensionless inputs.

Currently the inputs should be dimensionless and the parameters rho and dynvis are hence useless.

The wW, wE, wS, wN can take 5 values: 1, 2, 3 ,4 or 5. A value of:

  • 1: indicates the no slip condition i.e. all the velocities vanish at the boundary
  • 2: indicates the free slip condition i.e. normal velocity is 0 but the tangential is "free" ($ \frac{\partial \phi_t}{\partial n} = 0 $).
  • 3: indicates outflow i.e. the fluid simply gets out of the domain.
  • 4: indicates inflow i.e. fluid enters the domain. (There is no current input for the velocity of the flow, it is hard coded in the boundary.cpp file)
  • 5: indicates periodic boundaries. For this one to work, the pair wW and wE or the pair wS and wN should be given the value 5.

1.2. Specific boundary conditions

If you would like more specific boundary conditions, such as a narrow time-dependent inflow, this needs to be implemented in the setSpecBoundaries function in the boundary.cpp file. Doing this will require recompiling the code.

1.3. Obstacles

If you would like to include obstacles in the domain, you need to provide a IO/obstacle file that will be read when running the simulation. The data in this file must follow the type of boundary condition as defined in the include/definitions.h file. That is, depending on the obstacle type (no-slip or free-slip) and the orientation of the bins making the obstacle, different values should be given. A template python script can be found in the IO/create_obstacle/create_circle.py . The loop which writes the file is of curcial importance and MUST NOT be changed.

Note: If you change the size of the grid (imax and jmax in IO/input), you must recreate a new obstacle file.

To run

If you edited the code, run:


You can now run the code:

make run

To visualise the output

Go the the plot directory and run:


Going into the file (towards the end), you can comment/uncomment the desired plots: time_evolution_imshow or time_evolution_quiver.