
Quadtree Image Art.

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


Image Segmentation Animation using QuadTree concepts.

  1. Split the Image into four quadrants.
  2. Split the quadrant with the highest error into four quadrants.
  3. Repeat N times.


Segmented Image of an Acacia Tree

Segmented Image of some Rocks

Segmented Image of some Palm Trees

Segmented Image of a Prairie

Segmented Image of a tree on a cliff

Segmented Image of a river

Segmented Image of a Tropical Beach

Segmented Image of a Coastline

Segmented Image of Moonlight

Segmented Image of some Waterfalls

Segmented Image of some Houses

Segmented Image of some Pipes

Segmented Image of some sandstone stairs

Segmented Image of a Palace

Segmented Image of a Landscape

Segmented Image of Lightning

Segmented Image of a road at night

Segmented Image of a twisty road


Image of a Mountain Road

Segmented Image of a Mountain Road

Segmented Image of a Mountain Road - No Borders


With or without borders, the quadtree images achieve great compression, especially when using png encoding. Looking at the Mountain Images above, the original is a 1.51 MB jpg file (7.89 MB when converted to png), while the Quadtree Image with borders is a 333 KB png and the one without borders is a 160 KB png.


Fish Video


usage: quad.py [-h] [-q QUALITY] [-b] [-au] [-mw MINWIDTH] [-mh MINHEIGHT] input output iterations

Quadtree Image Segmentation.

positional arguments:
  input                 Image to segment.
  output                Output filename.
  iterations            Number of segmentation iterations.

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -q QUALITY, --quality QUALITY
                        Quality of the output video. (0-10), 0 worst, 10 best.
  -b, --border          Add borders to subimages.
  -a, --audio           Add audio from the input file to the output file.
  -mw MINWIDTH, --minwidth MINWIDTH
                        Minimum width of the smallest image quadrant.
  -mh MINHEIGHT, --minheight MINHEIGHT
                        Minimum height of the smallest image quadrant.



pip install numpy tqdm imageio imageio-ffmpeg