
How to use your code to get x,y,w,h of each window

mohseniaref opened this issue · 2 comments


Thanks so much for sharing your nice code
I was wondering if I can extract the center of each rectangular and width and height of the rectangular using your code?How to use your code to get x,y,w,h of each window ?

Best regards,

Hi Mohammad,

Thanks for your questions.

For a window defined by x, y, w, h, the center will be (x + w/2, y + h/2).

To get each window as an (x, y, w, h) tuple, I would suggest starting at line 68 in the code and making the following modifications.

windows = {} # Window tuples (x, y, w, h)
wid = 0 # Window ID

for _ in trange(iterations):
        if h > min_height and w > min_width:
            hw, hh = w // 2, h // 2

            # Original Image Integral Image bounding box
            tl = I[y+hh, x+hw] + I[y, x] - I[y, x+hw] - I[y+hh, x]          # Top Left
            tr = I[y+hh, x+w] + I[y, x+hw] - I[y, x+w] - I[y+hh, x+hw]      # Top Right
            bl = I[y+h, x+hw] + I[y+hh, x] - I[y+hh, x+hw] - I[y+h, x]      # Bottom Left
            br = I[y+h, x+w] + I[y+hh, x+hw] - I[y+hh, x+w] - I[y+h, x+hw]  # Bottom Right
            # Squared Grayscale Image Integral Image bounding box
            tls = Isq[y+hh, x+hw] + Isq[y, x] - Isq[y, x+hw] - Isq[y+hh, x]
            trs = Isq[y+hh, x+w] + Isq[y, x+hw] - Isq[y, x+w] - Isq[y+hh, x+hw]
            bls = Isq[y+h, x+hw] + Isq[y+hh, x] - Isq[y+hh, x+hw] - Isq[y+h, x]
            brs = Isq[y+h, x+w] + Isq[y+hh, x+hw] - Isq[y+hh, x+w] - Isq[y+h, x+hw]
            # Grayscale Image Integral Image bounding box
            tlg = Ig[y+hh, x+hw] + Ig[y, x] - Ig[y, x+hw] - Ig[y+hh, x]
            trg = Ig[y+hh, x+w] + Ig[y, x+hw] - Ig[y, x+w] - Ig[y+hh, x+hw]
            blg = Ig[y+h, x+hw] + Ig[y+hh, x] - Ig[y+hh, x+hw] - Ig[y+h, x]
            brg = Ig[y+h, x+w] + Ig[y+hh, x+hw] - Ig[y+hh, x+w] - Ig[y+h, x+hw]

            tlw, tlh = hw, hh
            trw, trh = w - hw, hh
            blw, blh = hw, h - hh
            brw, brh = w - hw, h - hh

            edited[y:y+hh, x:x+hw] = tl / (tlw * tlh)
            edited[y:y+hh, x+hw:x+w] = tr / (trw * trh)
            edited[y+hh:y+h, x:x+hw] = bl / (blw * blh)
            edited[y+hh:y+h, x+hw:x+w] = br / (brw * brh)

            if set_border:
                border(edited[y:y+hh, x:x+hw])
                border(edited[y:y+hh, x+hw:x+w])
                border(edited[y+hh:y+h, x:x+hw])
                border(edited[y+hh:y+h, x+hw:x+w])

            heapq.heappush(quadrants, (-error(tlg, tls, tlw * tlh), x, y, tlw, tlh, wid+0))
            heapq.heappush(quadrants, (-error(trg, trs, trw * trh), x + hw, y, trw, trh, wid+1))
            heapq.heappush(quadrants, (-error(blg, bls, blw * blh), x, y + hh, blw, blh, wid+2))
            heapq.heappush(quadrants, (-error(brg, brs, brw * brh), x + hw, y + hh, brw, brh, wid+3))

            windows[wid+0] = (x, y, tlw, tlh)
            windows[wid+1] = (x + hw, y, trw, trh)
            windows[wid+2] = (x, y + hh, blw, blh)
            windows[wid+3] = (x + hw, y + hh, brw, brh)

            wid += 4

        if quadrants:
            _, x, y, w, h, uid = heapq.heappop(quadrants)
            del windows[uid] # Remove a splitted window

windows = list(windows.values()) # This will store all windows in the final image as (x, y, w, h) tuples.

Thanks so much for your nice reponse!