
A script that gets the news from liveuamap.com to post is on Discord as a webhook

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


A script that gets the news from liveuamap.com to post is on Discord as a webhook

Live view

The bot is currently running and posting news right now as an example inside my personal Discord server, inside the channel #general_whatever within the thread called Ukraine Vs Russia - Discussion and News.


  • Python 3.6 or higher
  • Discord webhook URL


  • Atomikkunn
    • Figuring out how to check what category each posts are

Config file

Variable Description
embed_image Define if images should be shown in embed or not (Bool)
user_agent Make custom User-Agent for requests
webhook_url Discord webhook URL from your Discord
article_fetch_limit How many articles it will go through to see if anything's new
debug Debug mode, true/false

Example outputs