
Coursework for the Software Engineering 2 unit at Bath's MSc Computer Science

Primary LanguageJava

University of Bath - Software Engineering 2 - Project Repository

Welcome, this is the main repository for our project (Group 13), building on some original skeleton code and creating a banking application by coding in the necessary features.

The Skeleton Code - Explanation

We have been provided some skeleton code by the originator of the project to help us in starting to develop the project. We can also revert back to this using the original files if we need to.

Resource Section

This section on Engage includes all of the resources to learn about Git and Github including tutorials and the Skeleton Code zip file itself: https://engage.bath.ac.uk/learn/mod/book/view.php?id=97253

We should use this link and the corresponding sections inside the site to realign ourselves if we get lost during the project, whether for a fresh copy of the skeleton code source files or to brush up on some aspects such as Git.