
Estimation of Smoothed Wavelet Spectra/Coherence in Continuous time from Multivariate Point-Processes

Primary LanguageMATLAB


Estimation of Smoothed Wavelet Spectra/Coherence in Continuous time from Multivariate Point-Processes


Observations from point-processes are often recorded in continuous time, binning these events can allow for analysis as a discrete time-series. However, often high-frequency dependency structure can be lost when performing such aggregations. To avoid this, we have developed a temporal smoothing method for the continuous wavelet transform (and corresponding wavelet spectra). The spectral estimators in this package thus operate on the continuous time event processes directly.

How to Use

  1. Simply add the folder and its contents to your MATLAB file path
  2. Set up your data as a set of cells E{1}, E{2}, ... E{p} each with a vector of points
  3. Generate spectral estimates S = tsWP( E, kappa, wavType ,'method','kernel');
  • kappa = smoothing window scale
  • wavType = Morlet, Mex (only these two are implemented currently)