
HiBiKi Radio Station scrapper

Primary LanguagePython


HiBiKi Radio Station scrapper

What does this do?

  1. Check for new episode for Pastel*Palettesのしゅわりんラジオ in hibiki
  2. Download, remux and archive episodes, including JSON file and images embedded in description
  3. Generate "Podcast RSS file" and "Wikitext for MediaWiki" (template needed to render generated wikitext)
  4. Send notification with WxPusher on success / error


You may need a Linux PC to make things easier.

  • Common Linux tools tar and xz for archiving.
  • Common Linux tools wget for simple image downloading
    (TODO: use bundled downloader for this?)
  • ffmpeg (https://ffmpeg.org) for remuxing.
  • mp4v2 (https://github.com/TechSmith/mp4v2) for MP4 (M4A) tagging.
  • Python packages (see requirements.txt)
    • requests for network accessing
    • m3u8 for m3u8 playlists patching

How to run

  1. Edit config.json.

    • Specify proxy if needed. (use null if you don't need any proxy)
      see https://docs.python-requests.org/en/master/user/advanced/#proxies
    • Change WxPusher token and UID list, if you want to receive WeChat notifications.
    • For ["program_config"]["pstl"], these will override constants defined in handler_pstl.py
      • AUDIO_DIR directory for generated m4a audio.
      • ARCHIVE_DIR directory for archive (.tar.xz) files.
      • PODCAST_FILE podcast RSS file.
      • AUDIO_URL_PREFIX Web URL for your AUDIO_DIR, for wikitext and podcast.
  2. Edit run.sh to fit your situation, and run it.

  3. Additionally, add run.sh to crontab for periodically scrapping:

crontab -e
# Example of job definition:
# .---------------- minute (0 - 59)
# |  .------------- hour (0 - 23)
# |  |  .---------- day of month (1 - 31)
# |  |  |  .------- month (1 - 12) OR jan,feb,mar,apr ...
# |  |  |  |  .---- day of week (0 - 6) (Sunday=0 or 7) OR sun,mon,tue,wed,thu,fri,sat
# |  |  |  |  |
# *  *  *  *  * command to be executed
  1 16  *  *  1 /home/someone/hibiki/run.sh


main.py main entrance. Read config, check if any program has new episodes, call corresponding handler.

handler_xxx.py handler of downloading and archiving a specific program.

hibiki.py hibiki extractor.

download.py multi-threaded, resumable Amazon S3 downloader. (running in single-thread mode in this case)

s3_etag.py Amazon S3 Etag calculator.

mp4tools.py wrapper for mp4v2.

wxpush.py wrapper for WxPusher.

podcast.py RSS Podcast generator. Podcasts can be serialized to JSON objects.

Write your own handler

  1. Find the program name.
    e.g. https://hibiki-radio.jp/description/pstl/detail -> pstl

  2. Create handler_(program name).py. Make sure to define function run(data) like this: (see handler_pstl.py for example)

def run(data):
    # raw program json info, bytes
    info_raw: bytes = data['info_raw']
    # parsed json info
    info_json: dict = data['info_json']
    # use this session to access internet
    session: requests.Session = data['session']
    # arbitrary data kept during runs. must be serializable to json 
    save: dict = data['save']
    # update global constants from config
    config: dict = data['config']
  1. Add your program name to config.json ["programs"] list.
    Optionally, add override variables to ["program_config"]["(program name)"]

  2. It might be better to raise exceptions rather than sending notifications when debugging. See def main() in main.py.
