This is a little F# script to generate random bets. Here is inside a fsproj and solution but it was created and usually used from Linqpad.
Is just this very simple script.
open System
let rnd = new Random()
let randomNumsInRange xs pickN =
|> List.mapi(fun i x -> rnd.Next(), x)
|> List.sortBy(fun (r, _) -> r)
|> snd
|> Seq.take (pickN)
|> Seq.sort
|> Seq.toArray
let GenerateEuromillones =
(randomNumsInRange [1..50] 5, randomNumsInRange [1..12] 2)
let GeneratePrimitiva =
randomNumsInRange[1..49] 6
let GenerateGordoPrimitiva =
(randomNumsInRange [1..54] 5, randomNumsInRange [1..9] 1)
GenerateEuromillones |> printfn "Euromillones: %A"
GeneratePrimitiva |> printfn "Primitiva: %A"
GenerateGordoPrimitiva |> printfn "Gordo de la primitiva: %A"
By default it prints bets for only 3 types of games, but it would be really easy to implement more games.