
Check LabTech agent on Windows 7+ and re/install if required

Primary LanguagePowerShell


Aims to check the LabTech agent on a Windows 7+ machine seems operable and re/install if required using specified LT server and location ID.
Designed so it can be directly called from a scheuled task (possibly created by Group Policy).

Written in Powershell for simplicity. Aims to provide compatability from Windows 7 - 10 (Server 2008 - 2019), but testing has been limited so please report any issues.

I welcome improvments to this code, please submit as pull requests or if you can't do that, post details of problem and fix as an Issue.

Variables (yes, they're not parameters - this seemed easier)

This code accepts you setting some variables before execution

$LTSrv = 'labtech.mymspname.here' # FQDN of your LabTech server (required - unless you modify script header)
$InstallerToken = '6f79953b88f8379bb8c96b4fe5ca151f' # See https://www.mspgeek.com/topic/5881-agent-deploy-generate-installers-with-tokens/ or you can pull this from the end of the Custom MSI download URL BUT unless you modify the DB the URL one will only work for 24 hours. (required)
$LTLoc = 1 # LabTech Location ID to add agent to (optional - defaults to 1)
$LogFile = '$Env:temp\Check-LTAgent-log.txt' # If you want a logfile, where do you want the file. (optional)

Sample usage

$LTSrv = 'labtech.mymspname.here' ; $InstallerToken = '6f79953b88f8379bb8c96b4fe5ca151f'; $LTLoc = 1 ;  (new-object Net.WebClient).DownloadString('https://raw.githubusercontent.com/AlexHeylin/Check-LTAgent/master/Check-LTAgent.ps1') | iex ;

or in short form (if the Bitly stays live)

$LTSrv='labtech.mymspname.here';$InstallerToken='6f79953b88f8379bb8c96b4fe5ca151f';$LTLoc=1;(new-object Net.WebClient).DownloadString('https://bit.ly/2qO49e8')|iex;

Watch your quote types " vs ' when calling this directly from CMD.

Might need to use this on older versions - need to check compatability

$LTSrv='labtech.mymspname.here';$InstallerToken='6f79953b88f8379bb8c96b4fe5ca151f';$LTLoc=1;(new-object System.IO.StreamReader((([System.Net.WebRequest]::Create('https://bit.ly/2qO49e8')).GetResponse()).GetResponseStream())).ReadToEnd()|iex;