
This is a API REST Boilerplate for most common requeriments in all project (or it try it). The capabilities that AlexHg/Loopback4-Boilerplate contemplates in this repository are the following:

  1. User Authenticate with JWT Passport and password hashing service secured
  2. Role Authorization
  3. Email client service adaptabled to local register ENDPOINT
  4. Connection with MongoDB Atlas
  5. Environment variables (.env file)
  6. DataFixtures


  1. (Dependencia de nodemon) Code watcher


Cloning the repositorie

git clone https://github.com/AlexHg/Loopback4-Boilerplate.git <YOUR_PROJECT_NAME>
rm -rf .git
git init
git remote add origin <YOUR_OWN_REPOSITORY_URL>

Dependencies instalation

npm i
npm install -g nodemon

Running & Configuration

Create .env based on .env.example file and add your data

cp .env.example .env

Run the project

npm run start:watch

Create Controllers

Create Models

Create Repositories

Create Datasources

Create Services

Add Environment Variables

Insert a new line in the .env file following the file style, when thats complete, you can add the env.var in your code like



Go to http://localhost:3000/explorer in your explorer to see the documentation.