
Online office where you can create, delete, change a visit to the doctor. Filter options. Auth. Written in JS classes

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Step Project Medical Portal

Brief description of the project:

The project is written in js classes.
  • authorization
  • filter visits by several parameters
  • creation, editing, deletion of visits.
  • for authorization, displaying the current status of visits; to create, edit, and delete visits Fetch API is used;

Technologies utilized:

  • Gulp
  • HTML
  • SCSS
  • BootStrap
  • JavaScript, js classes
  • Fetch API
  • Git
  • Agile, Scrum

Project Participants:

  • ma_rch - Oleksiy Giriavenko, Гірявенко Олексій,
  • melnikviktor82 - Viktor Melnik, Мельник Віктор,
  • Prdrice - Natalia Perederia, Передеря Наталя,

Participant's Roles: Subtotal: development of the project structure, definition of the main JS classes.

Student 1 : Oleksiy Giriavenko

  • Gulp functionality customization.
  • Card Section. Using the server request class provide: display cards( adaptive, full / short card), create, edit, delete a card.
  • Class VisitCards.
  • Role assigning, time and task management of team members and putting the project together.

Student 2 : Viktor Melnik

  • Parent class for requests on the server by API - Request
  • Authorization functionality( login), validation and logic of what happens after successful authorization.
  • Class Modal, child class - ModalLogin
  • Class Forms, child class - FormsLogin
  • Filter/search for maps by parameters.

Student 3 : Natalia Perederia

  • Creating a project visual design.
  • Creating HTML markup, page frame, and styling using Bootstrap.
  • Creation and functionality of the "Creat Visit" form (form display and data processing/transmission depending on the options selected by the user).
  • Class Visit, child classes - CardioVisitForm.js DentistVisitForm.js TherapistVisitForm.js

Additional information:

  1. Deploy the project - run npm i(install) command in the terminal(you must have Node JS installed).
  2. Start developer mode - npm run dev command.
  3. Start production mode - npm run product - command in both cases root index.html it'll be located in the root of the project folder, all other files will be located in the dist folder.
  4. Delete the dist folder and the root index.html - npm run delDis command.

Contacts for reviews and suggestions: