
Auto input complete plugin with jQuery.

Primary LanguageJavaScriptApache License 2.0Apache-2.0


Auto input complete plugin with jQuery.


jQuery and jQuery.textchange is required, so include it first. Also Font Awesome required if you want use plugin without own icons Include the script in your HTML file:

<script src="../auto_inputbox.js"></script>


	url: 'https://jsonplaceholder.typicode.com/users',

Where 'options' is an optional parameter.


The default options are:

	icon: 'myautoInputIcon',
	className: 'autoInput',
	closeIcon: 'fa-times-circle',
	loadingIcon: 'fa-spinner fa-pulse',
	nothingFoundMessage: 'Nothing found',
	formatElement: function(el) {
		return JSON.stringify(el).substring(20);
	onItemSelected: function(el) {
		return $(el).html();
	slideDownComplete: function() {
	onSubmit: function(event, value) {
	getRequestPath(input) {
		return '/' + input;


  • className - name of css classes prefix
  • closeIcon - name of css style with icon for erase input box
  • loadingIcon - name of css style with icon for loading data
  • nothingFoundMessage - message for users when elements not found
  • formatElement - function that map elements
  • onItemSelected - function that return value that will be stored in input tag and submited
  • slideDownComplete - function for actions on slide complete
  • onSubmit - event of form submit
  • getRequestPath - methods for forming params of request