
Bot for telegram channel that 'll publish news based on RSS feed

Primary LanguagePython

Swiss IT Tech News

Bot for telegram channel that 'll publish news based on RSS feed : https://t.me/SwissITNews

How to use this bot

Quick Start with Docker

  1. Clone or Download the content of this repository.

  2. Ensure Docker is installed on your system.

  3. Configuration options:

    You have two options for configuring the bot: using a .env file or a TOML file named configuration.toml. You can use one of them or both, but remember that environment variables (if set) will take precedence over the settings in the TOML file.

    • Using a .env file:

      Create a .env file at the root of the project with the following content, replacing the placeholders with your actual data:

      # Development settings
      # Docker container settings
    • Using a configuration.toml file:

      Alternatively, you can create a configuration.toml file in the root of your project with the necessary configuration. Here's a template for the TOML file:

      # configuration.toml
      # General settings
      TIME_INTERVAL_MIN = 20  # Run the feedparser every n minutes
      ENTRY_MAX_TIME_OLD = 1200  # 1200 seconds = 20 minutes
      # Bot Configuration
      CHANNEL_ID = "@YourChannel"
      # News, RSS feeds
      RSS_URLS = [

      This file allows you to easily manage your bot's configuration in a structured format. Remember to replace the placeholders with your actual configuration details.

  4. Build the Docker image:

    docker build -t swiss-it-tech-news .
  5. Run the Docker container:

    docker run -d --name swiss-it-tech-news-bot --env-file /path/to/your/.env swiss-it-tech-news

    Replace /path/to/your/.env with the actual path to your .env file.

Traditional Setup

If you prefer not using Docker, follow these steps:

  1. First, download or clone the repository containing the script to your local machine or server.

  2. Get a Raspberry Pi (or any computer with Python 3) and install the needed libraries:

    virtualenv .venv -p python3
    source .venv/bin/activate
    pip install -r requirements.txt
  3. Create a configuration.toml file or an .env file to set up your bot token, channel ID, and RSS feeds. Below are the templates for each file type:


    # Configuration file for Telegram Bot
    # General settings
    TIME_INTERVAL_MIN = 20  # Run the feedparser every n minutes
    ENTRY_MAX_TIME_OLD = 1200  # 1200 seconds = 20 min
    # Bot Configuration
    CHANNEL_ID = "@YourChannel"
    # News, RSS feeds
    RSS_URLS = [


    # Development settings
  4. The script will continuously run and execute an update at the time interval specified in your configuration file.

Setting Up Telegram Channel and Bot

This chapter guides you through creating your Telegram channel and setting up a bot using BotFather, which will be used by your script to post updates.

Creating Your Telegram Channel

  1. Open Telegram and search for the "New Message" button, usually found at the bottom right corner. Click on it and select "New Channel".
  2. Set your channel name and description. For example, "Swiss IT News" for IT-related updates in Switzerland.
  3. Choose your channel's privacy setting. For public channels, set a unique link, such as https://t.me/SwissITNews.
  4. Add any desired users to your channel or skip this step to proceed to channel creation.

Creating a Bot with BotFather

  1. In Telegram, search for the @BotFather user or access directly via https://telegram.me/BotFather.
  2. Start a chat with BotFather and use the /newbot command to create a new bot.
  3. Follow the instructions from BotFather to set up your bot's name and username. BotFather will then provide you with a token to access the Telegram API, which looks something like this: 123456:ABC-DEF1234ghIkl-zyx57W2v1u123ew11.
  4. Note down your bot's token; you'll need it for the script configuration.

Bot Father

Adding Your Bot to Your Channel

  1. Add your bot to your channel as an administrator. To do this, go to your channel's "Info" section, select "Administrators", "Add Administrator", and then search for your bot by the username you gave it.
  2. Give your bot permissions to post messages.


This code supports a TOML formatted configuration file:

$ cat configuration.toml

# Configuration file for Telegram Bot

# General settings
TIME_INTERVAL_MIN = 1  # Run the feedparser every n minutes
ENTRY_MAX_TIME_OLD = 1200  # 1200 seconds = 20 min

# Bot Configuration
CHANNEL_ID = "@YourChannel"

# News, RSS feeds

If the configuration file fails (doesn't exist or incorrect synthax), it will default to ENV VARs. This last approach is highly recommended, to follow the Twelve Factor App.

To ease the development work, you can rely on a .env file with:

# Development settings

Env Variables can be set/intjected via Dockerfile or a Kubernetes manifest.