
This repository was created to learn and collect some useful algorithms and data structures

Primary LanguageKotlin

Quick Start

git clone https://github.com/AlexIvchenko/Algorithms.git
cd Algorithms
mvn clean install

To try this in maven project just insert this into your pom.xml



  • Sorting algorithms (available in package "sort")
    • InsertionSort
    • SelectionSort
    • QuickSort (two options)
    • MergeSort
  • Algorithms with sorted arrays (available in package "sorted")
    • BinarySearch
      • left
      • right
      • ceiling
      • floor

Data Structures

  • SumSQRTDecomposition which provides the following operations with int array
    • computing sum on segment in O(sqrt(n))
    • change value by index in O(1)
    • increase all values on segment in O(sqrt(n))


  • Measurable - it's comparable type which provide positive and negative infinity