Amazon Product Quality Prediction Tool

Collaborators: Saksham A., Alex J., Gokul S.

Project Overview

Can one predict that quality of unseen amazon products given access to a breadth of information about known amazon products? In particular, can we determine whether a product is great (> 4.5 star rating) or not great (<= 4.5 start rating). This was the question that inspired the creation of our tool, which predicts the quality of amazon products based on their reviews, sales rank, and price.

Main Features

Sentiment Classifier

Our tool relies heavily on data about the sentiment contained in reviews and review summaries, as such we needed to create a sentiment classifier. This classifier has been trained using the reviews provided in the training data.

Binary Classifier

Our binary classifier utilizes review sentiment, review summary sentiment, sales rank, and price to predict the product quality. We used several different classifiers: logistic regression, KNN, standard NN, SVM, and decision trees to name a few.

How to Use Tool

  1. Clone the repo locally and simply execute the
    • make sure that all of the dependencies and import statements are correct on your local system

This project was created as part of Dartmouth's Machine Learning course under the instruction of V.S. Subrahmanian.