
Primary LanguageJinjaMIT LicenseMIT

Ansible Lab


  • Python 3.x
  • Python 3 Pip (sudo apt install python3-pip)
  • Ansible 5.x (sudo pip3 install ansible)
  • It's better to have Ubuntu or other Debian-based linux (for other linux distros you will need to modify package installation commands)
  • Template works on localhost, but you can do it remotely on a server that is available through SSH by modifying inventory (remote group) and site.yml (host variable)

Before tasks

If you have GitLab account

Fork this project by clicking https://gitlab.com/DmyMi/ansible-lab/-/forks/new

If you have GitHub account

Follow this article https://nira.com/how-to-migrate-from-gitlab-to-github/ to copy the project to your Github.

Doing the lab requires you to know how to use Git :)


Write an Ansible playbook using the template in site.yml.

The playbook itself is an Ansible version of Lab 1 with extra steps :)

  1. The playbook should use the packages, aptcachetime, app_dir, app_file variables defined in all vars file.
  2. Playbook should use the app.service.j2 that you need to write. Use the app_dir, app_file variables to specify the path to Java app. Use the app_port variable to specifyt the PORT environment variable for Java app.
    • If you have created additional users for Lab1 - add the user creation to site.yml with the help of user module.
  3. Playbook should use the nginx.conf.j2 template with a simple Nginx config. There you should write the server block to let Nginx listen on port 80. Nginx should proxy all requests to Java app at localhost:<SOME_PORT>. Target port should be specified dynamically using the app_port variable.

To run the playbook if it's written correctly:

# If you have paswordless SUDO
ansible-playbook site.yml
# or if you have password SUDO
ansible-playbook site.yml -K


The cleanup.yml playbook can be used to remove everything from you server/vm (if you followed the template and did not add additional packages).

# If you have paswordless SUDO
ansible-playbook cleanup.yml
# or if you have password SUDO
ansible-playbook cleanup.yml -K


All i need is a link to your Github/Gitlab project in Classroom.