(This is in-progress.)
This repository contains the specification for the DUML (Durable Uniform Minimal Language) file format. DUML is an alternative to formats like XML, JSON, YAML, and TOML for configuration files: files that are checked into source control and control the behavior of an application or build tools.
Along with the specification, more informal information is available below.
These examples show DUML files along with a JSON representation of equivalent objects.
# Simple key-value pairs, separated by the first space or tab in the line
name duml-spec
owner AlexLandau
description The specification for the Durable Uniform Minimal Language file format.
# A key by itself is given an empty string as a value
# Keys can have multiple values
related AlexLandau/duml-java
related AlexLandau/duml-js
# Dots in keys are used for namespacing
collaborators.owners AlexLandau
"name": ["duml-spec"],
"owner": ["AlexLandau"],
"description": ["The specification for the Durable Uniform Minimal Language file format."],
"public": [""],
"related": ["AlexLandau/duml-java", "AlexLandau/duml-js"],
"collaborators": {
"owners": ["AlexLandau"]
Compare the following properties:
- Single unambiguous specification
- Supports comments
- Unaffected by \r\n vs. \n
- Amenable to regular expression-based tooling
- Errors can't cause the parser to refuse to give anything to the application
- Maybe same as above: Partially-invalid "durability" (messing up one part of the file has limited impacts on whether other parts of the file can be read)
- Can paste in blocks of config anywhere and they're likely to work
- Unusually easy to parse/write a parser
- Supports "namespacing" And the drawbacks:
- Values cannot directly contain newlines
- Keys cannot contain periods
- Cannot have lists/arrays of objects
- Highly nested objects may be more verbose (but at least they compress well?) Then some things are mixed good/bad, like lack of canonical validation scheme (like xsd) or data types, or "whitespace sensitivity", or lack of escaping.
Subjectively, it's a very regular language and it's easy to learn all the edge cases. (TODO: Link to a tutorial/introduction if haven't already)
Maybe also bring up end-to-end principle
Java/JVM: duml-java (TODO: link) Javascript: TBD